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economic depression? only in japan. Sales are healthy in the rest of the world...

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Not for long with the world wide credit crunch.

And i'm in Poland not giving a damn about recession too much. Thank God that Poland was in such a good economical state, the crisis isn't even touching us to say the least. Well, yeah, okat, it is touching us, but in an almost none hurting way.

Huh. Who would've thought that beggining anew in my real life would coincide with starting anew on vgchartz?

Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.

Nintendo time to role out the coloured Wiis only in Japan.


Chrizum said:
Did we forget the economic depression, people?


 That doesn't really count for the rest of the world so far....But Japan is already in a economic depression for several years.

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So are we saying that Japan gets the recession first?

That sucks. They get EVERYTHING first.

Well, it hasn't really hit Europe yet, just wait and see when the banking over there starts to fess up.

Japan has a sort of depression for almost 20 years now.


I don't think that it will hit europe in fact, we're doing pretty ok I think. Talking about japanese sales, they should do a whole new asian chartz instead of this one IMO, cause now talking about only 80k sold a week is a waste of time.

No no, it's going to hit Europe, Europe is going to be in the same situation with the banking system as America.