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Forums - Sales Discussion - Latest MGS4 figures in Japan, 660k sold and 730k shipped.

BengaBenga said:
Ail said:
Yep with 4 millions shipped they conservatively made around 100 millions $ so far, more is Sony picked up the marketing tab ( which they probably did).

With that amount of revenue I think it's conservative to think they have already made 40% ROI on the game ( development costs would have to be over 74 million $ for it not to be the case and I doubt they were that high).

If you ballpark the development costs at 50 million $ ( which seem more reasonnable) you get a 100% ROI so far with still more sales to come...

Seems like a good investment for me...

As for number 1 franchises, I would actually expect PES to be the number 1 revenue maker for Konami. It has a yearly released that sells over 1 million units and additional costs on new versions are minimal aside from licencing costs with soccer clubs...


You forget one important thing here: taxes.
And I don't think Sony picked up the complete marketing budget and the advertising for the game was huge.
But MGS definitely made money (something I never denied). Compared to the old MGS games however I think the profit is down significantly.

I agree that PES is a hell of an asset for Konami, no doubt about that. Maybe bigger than MGS, depends on the licensing costs for the teams I think.


Even if Sony didn't pick up the total marketing budget I did not count the $7 marketing/unit in my total revenue so my numbers still stand as I expect the $7/unit + what Sony paid did cover the whole marketing/advertising budget ( just the $7/unit is 28 million $, I doubt MGS4 total marketing budget was superior to 40 million $, seems to me it was actually more in the order of 10-20 million $).


As for taxes, standard business compute ROI before taxes not after ( same with every mutual fund or pretty much any investment, they give you the return before taxes) so once again I stand by my numbers...

MGS4 has already provided a ROI superior to 40%, probably in the range of 100% and is still selling....( 17k units/week is 425k/week, an additional 0.9% ROI or so every week...)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network

Maybe we should wait and see atleast after the holidays its not like the game has stopped selling it only been out for what 4 months.


BengaBenga said:
shanbcn said:
DKII said:
Except it cost 10 times as much.


Trolling is not allowed. Back up your words or F off.


I hope you're kidding here, but I must say I totally miss the humour.

Although the development costs are not known, we do know that they needed 1 million copies sold on launch day to be on track. It's obvious that MGS 4 was much more expensive than any previous MGS and is among the most expensive games ever. The average PS3 game is reported to cost around $20 million, we can minimally double that to get to MGS4 numbers. That excludes advertising.

Konami definitely can't be happy with the sales, cause they don't care about attach rate. I'm sure they made a profit, but I'm sure that when they started the development they budgetted on at least MGS3 level sales.


No.  How could anyone figure that out?  I remember the statement that you are misconstruing like many did when it was reported, but it doesn't mean anything.

And, wasn't Kojima a perfectionist before PS3?  Didn't the PS2 MGS games cost more than $4million, or what?  

Regarding sales of all the older MGS games: don't they include copies sold at lower prices well after launch, so that both Konami and Sony would be getting a smaller cut from each sale?  And haven't all MGS4 sales been at full price so far?  Just considerations.

Lets not forget about MGO, MGS4:Existence coming soon.

People have to realize that the level of profits made on some PS2 games were not sustainable too so it was expected things would evolve.

There's no business that can generate 200%+ ROI on a regular basis outside of monopoles....

As soon as someone find a way to generate crazy profits, competition steps in and tries to duplicate what he did, reducing the original person profit's margin ( by forcing him to spend more money to stay ahead).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network

They wont need to ship anymore, sales are dead in Japan. The biggest letdown for this game was its legs - GTA4 was laughed at for falling so low but its still kicking MGS4's ass.

MGS3 was around 25 mil to produce, MGS4 was around 40 mil excluding publicity for both games.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

BengaBenga said:
shanbcn said:
DKII said:
Except it cost 10 times as much.


Trolling is not allowed. Back up your words or F off.


I hope you're kidding here, but I must say I totally miss the humour.

Although the development costs are not known, we do know that they needed 1 million copies sold on launch day to be on track. It's obvious that MGS 4 was much more expensive than any previous MGS and is among the most expensive games ever. The average PS3 game is reported to cost around $20 million, we can minimally double that to get to MGS4 numbers. That excludes advertising.

Konami definitely can't be happy with the sales, cause they don't care about attach rate. I'm sure they made a profit, but I'm sure that when they started the development they budgetted on at least MGS3 level sales.

Oh come on Benga. Humorous or not, that was posted just to rile up people.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

shanbcn said:

Some one in Neogaf posted MGS4 latest numbers.

"Current total in Japan is 660,788, 90.1% sell through (Enterbrain, up to 5 October)."

90% sell through mean Konami shipped around 730k in Japan. Even if Konami doesn't ship more (unluckly) MGS4 did quite well. Now lets compare wih other MGS's LTD.

MGS1: 780k

MGS2: 870k

MGS3: 860k

MGS4: 730k

So even with much smaller install base it did quite well.



 they aren't going to ship any more, it's barely selling anything right now (739 last week) and apparently there is still 70k out there according to this. 

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

They've shipped near or just about or a little more than 4M right??

MGS4 didn't make good profit my ass....
The game was a big success, especially considering it's consoles user base.

4 ≈ One