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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Konami Officially Comments On Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid 4


i guess its ok if it comes the the 360

But i've already played and beaten the game twice, so when the 360 gets it in a year or so...tell me hows its like

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sorry to double post...but i read some more posts here

you guys are losers....Sony fanyboys maybe blind, and 360 fanboys maybe douches

but Wii fan boys are the the system has nothing good coming in the future and coming out in the present too.

only reason its selling is because its cheap, the FEW things it has for it are good,  its new and for the time it came out revolutionary. But now saddly its going to shit if you ask me. So you can say Wii is mainstream...(and we all hate mainstream dont we)

Like, dont get me wrong when the Wii came out it was really cool and really innovated. But like i said, its going to waste with all the crappy games its coming out with. So sorry wii fanboys, il ike to ppick on you guys the most, because you guys think something is so great when it is not.


shinsa said:

sorry to double post...but i read some more posts here

you guys are losers....Sony fanyboys maybe blind, and 360 fanboys maybe douches

but Wii fan boys are the the system has nothing good coming in the future and coming out in the present too.

only reason its selling is because its cheap, the FEW things it has for it are good,  its new and for the time it came out revolutionary. But now saddly its going to shit if you ask me. So you can say Wii is mainstream...(and we all hate mainstream dont we)

Like, dont get me wrong when the Wii came out it was really cool and really innovated. But like i said, its going to waste with all the crappy games its coming out with. So sorry wii fanboys, il ike to ppick on you guys the most, because you guys think something is so great when it is not.


lol, stay on topic please? :/


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Are you serious? I bet this goes down as one of the most talked about and dumbest rumors of all time. Simple answer, NO!

Play B3yond

Are you serious? I bet this goes down as one of the most talked about and dumbest rumors of all time. Simple answer, NO!

Play B3yond

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Goddbless said:
Microsoft should pull a Sony and make them add a lot of extras. That would also entice the true fans to get it even if they have the original. Something like a MGS4 directors cut.

Yes, so they'd have to put it on 10 DVD's instead of 6-8! (MGS4 is roughly 33GB, but in order to make it run on diskless XB360 too they'll have to put some GB of the same code and data on EVERY DVD, leaving less than the theoretical capacity on every disk to store unique data).



Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

"I am going to assume you ment 80 gigs of bluray space here. If it took 80 megs you could fit it on a DS cartridge and that clearly can't be right. Of course claiming it takes up 80 gigs is equally ludicrous as the disc can only hold 50 gigs of information, and it probably wasn't filed all the way as Konami was trying to get it to fit on a single layer disc for the longest time. If you are going to make up facts at random at least try and make them sound realistic."

Gnizmo, MGS 4 took up 80 gigs of blu-ray space. It filled one complete layer and half of another. And yes, blu-ray, Garnet, by itself makes the PS3 more powerful and better suited for cinematic games than is the 360 because blu-ray video is a dramatically superior video format to dvd. You can't have any movies that look as good on dvd as they do on blu-ray. MGS 4, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Final Fantasy XIII are all cinematic games that depend upon videos to move their stories along. These videos are movie files that are presented in a much higher quality on blu-ray discs than they are on dvds.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Ahem! BD is 25GB per layer, a dual layer BD is 50GB. 1and1/2 layer is 37.5GB.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Paul_Warren said:
"I am going to assume you ment 80 gigs of bluray space here. If it took 80 megs you could fit it on a DS cartridge and that clearly can't be right. Of course claiming it takes up 80 gigs is equally ludicrous as the disc can only hold 50 gigs of information, and it probably wasn't filed all the way as Konami was trying to get it to fit on a single layer disc for the longest time. If you are going to make up facts at random at least try and make them sound realistic."

Gnizmo, MGS 4 took up 80 gigs of blu-ray space. It filled one complete layer and half of another. And yes, blu-ray, Garnet, by itself makes the PS3 more powerful and better suited for cinematic games than is the 360 because blu-ray video is a dramatically superior video format to dvd. You can't have any movies that look as good on dvd as they do on blu-ray. MGS 4, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Final Fantasy XIII are all cinematic games that depend upon videos to move their stories along. These videos are movie files that are presented in a much higher quality on blu-ray discs than they are on dvds.

 Again I am going to ask you to make your random facts that have no basis at least sound realistic. A single layer blu-ray disc holds 25 gigs of information. A dual layer disc (what MGS4 was printed on) can only hold 50 gigs at best. It is literally impossible for MGS4 to take up only one disc and be an 80 gig file. Also, there is nothing that prevents the data from being put onto a DVD. It is a simple matter of too little disc space to put a lot of it on there.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Wow, why can't you let this thread die now.. Go look on, Konami has no plans for putting on the xbox 360.

It's been said! Now let this thread die. Please.