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shinsa said:

sorry to double post...but i read some more posts here

you guys are losers....Sony fanyboys maybe blind, and 360 fanboys maybe douches

but Wii fan boys are the the system has nothing good coming in the future and coming out in the present too.

only reason its selling is because its cheap, the FEW things it has for it are good,  its new and for the time it came out revolutionary. But now saddly its going to shit if you ask me. So you can say Wii is mainstream...(and we all hate mainstream dont we)

Like, dont get me wrong when the Wii came out it was really cool and really innovated. But like i said, its going to waste with all the crappy games its coming out with. So sorry wii fanboys, il ike to ppick on you guys the most, because you guys think something is so great when it is not.


lol, stay on topic please? :/


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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