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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Next week is a huge week for gaming. What are you buying?

Fable 2 and if i'm lucky, I'll have enough money left to rent Far Cry 2.

DOATS: Marcus if the main character.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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i will get LBP, Fable, Castlevania: OoE, maybe fallout...lotta dough right there

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

I generally think it is a good idea to justify your decisions, because frankly it makes for meaningful reading. Nothing seems more pointless then a thread that goes on for five pages where each poster says the exact same thing.

I am only going to pick up one game for myself over the next few months. I have had a few recent financial setbacks, and I need to prepare for the holidays. So my entertainment budget is severely curtailed. So even though I am interested in Fable and Dead Space. I will probably have to go with Fallout 3, because I am relatively certain that the title will eat up massive blocks of time.

I can always put the other titles I want on my holiday wish list.

I'm getting LBP first, then I'll pick up BioShock when I can (after I have Resistance 2). I have no desire to get Fallout 3 because

1: It has no trophies which shows they (Bethesda) don't like the PS3 version
2: The idea of an RPG with guns puts me off. I've never really been a PC gamer so I've never tried the original Fallout games but everybody is saying this won't be as good. I don't know what it won't be as good as, but it won't be as good as something which makes it bad.

Also the combat system looks horrible.

EDIT: Right, justifying.

LittleBigPlanet because it's gotten incredible critical acclaim so far, it looks like a nice simple game to balance all of the 'hardcore' games in my collection, and creating a level looks like fun. The possiblities seem almost endless with that game.

Resistance 2 (I know it's not releasing next week) because it seems to have fixed most of the problems with the first one (which was still pretty good)- it's improved the graphics a hell of a lot, added an entirely new co-op campaign as well as 8 player co-op and 60 player competitive. It's so hard to find good local multiplayer on PS3.

BioShock because, again, the reviews have been incredible and I have friends who have it on 360 who love it. I'm not getting it until after Resistance 2 because it just seems a little creepy. And it has no multiplayer. 

Also, all three of those games have trophies. Two have local multiplayer. Two have online multiplayer.

Fallout 3 has none of these things, there's nothing to show it will be awesome, and like I said I just don't like the concept.

Obviously no Fable 2 because I don't have an X360.

Far Cry 2- No thanks. I have enough FPS games for now. Maybe a discounted purchase in a while if it gets enough critical acclaim.

Pacific Rift- Again, I'll pass. Never been a racing game fan. It does look like fun though.

Legend of Spyro- Never liked Spyro much either.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

maybe little big planet

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LBP and Fable 2


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For sure: Wii Music, Fallout 3 (PC), Red Alert 3 (PC)

Maybe: Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009, Guitar Hero World Tour (Wii)

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

lots of people getting LBP im getting it just coz everyone who owns a PS3 has to i got an email saying i had to buy it or my PS3 would brick.

Not really but im getting it anyway

I preordered Fable 2 back in August and am counting down the days.

My other pre-orders are Fallout 3, Gears 2 and Banjo K N&B. I will most probably pick up the GHWT Guitar bundle as well first day.