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Forums - Sony Discussion - Next million sellers on PS3

Kantor said:
Spankey said:
Kantor said:

Semi off topic: What does a game need to qualify for Greatest Hits? I know Oblivion's on the list with around 700k sales, but Uncharted has 1.86 million sales and is not on the list. Does it need to have been out for a certain amount of time? (It's been more than a year, hasn't it?)

EDIT: Sigma has 370k sales. What is it doing on Greatest Hits?


Just a quick question, are you refering to the Greatest hits/Platinum re-releases? if so, Uncharted is definately on it, i bought it a few weeks ago.

If you didn't mean that sorry, i misunderstood your question....

Is Uncharted on it? I'm not sure, I didn't pay much attention when I recently went to buy Sigma (which was Greatest Hits).

But this Wikipedia article seems to suggest that Uncharted is not on Greatest Hits. Strange.


Uncharted is Greatest Hits (Platinum) in Europe, not in the US though. Here is the list for Europe.  As for when games become Greatest Hits.  I believe for the PS2 it was 9 months and 400k sold.  But honestly it is pretty much whenever Sony decides they will make more from dropping the price than keeping it at full price.  So if a game keeps selling well after release, it is less likely to get a greatest hits release immediately.


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Kantor said:

Semi off topic: What does a game need to qualify for Greatest Hits? I know Oblivion's on the list with around 700k sales, but Uncharted has 1.86 million sales and is not on the list. Does it need to have been out for a certain amount of time? (It's been more than a year, hasn't it?)

EDIT: Sigma has 370k sales. What is it doing on Greatest Hits?

Wikipedia says: "A PlayStation 3 game must be on the market for 10 months and sell at least 500,000 copies to meet the Greatest Hits criteria."


And yes Uncharted is on the list at least here in Europe

c´mon, of course madden is gonna break one million. look at last year version... almost did, with much worse sales.

valkyria won´t. 500k maybe... Bioshock has more chance than it.

Okay no order but definite, like I'm talkin DEFINITE future million sellers:

- SOCOM (3-5 Weeks)
- Little Big Planet (2 or 3 weeks)
- Resistance 2 (2 weeks guaranteed)
- Killzone 2 (3 million LTD)
- Resident Evil 5 (Opening Week)
- Rock Band 2 (It will take 10+ weeks but get there)
- Guitar Hero: WT (5-10 Weeks)
- Gran Turismo 5 (10 million, quote me if need be)
- Final Fantasy 13 (Opening Week)
- Call of Duty 6 (Opening Week)

Games out now that may reach it, and a couple cool milestones:

- GTA4 to 5 million by year end
- Drake's Fortune to 2 million by Q1 next year
- Soul Calibur IV to 1 million Q1-Q2 next year
- Madden 09 1 million by Q2 next year
- Force Unleashed 1 million by Year end with holiday boost
- FIFA 09 by end of November

noname2200 said:
No Madden game on the PS3 has gone platinum.

Force Unleashed might make it, but only after becoming a Greatest Hits title (or having a large price drop). Ditto for Soul Calibur, I think.

Bioshock...good luck with that.

And Oblivion didn't reach a million, so I'm skeptical about Fallout 3's chances.

I have no objection for the rest.

1. To be fair with madden, theres only been 3. And '07 was a launch title so not much was expected. '08 almost made it. And i'd bet 1000 VG$ that '09 makes it.

2. I agree thats true with Sould Calibur, since its only selling like 10,000 a week now. I think Force Unleashed will make it this year with high holiday sales.

3. Agreed. If it had a simultaneous release with 360 version then yes. But a year later? No. I'm still glad we got it though, thats a 360 exclusive taken back!!! I'm tired of losing exclusives (lookin at you Final Fantasy)

4. I'm skeptical also about Fallout 3. I think oblivion might not have made 1 million, but its definately being lowballed. It should be more.

5. Sweet!


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@ coolestguyever)

Socom a "definite" million seller ? hmm... I'm a bit sceptic about that to be honest (although I know that it's a popular franchise and that the previous iterations easily sold more than a million)

and it´s downloadable on PSN... I don´t think SOcom will sell that much.