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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MGS4 coming to 360?, (PS3/360) fanboys click here

Onyxmeth said:
Xen said:
outlawauron said:
Does anyone still believe, only can be done on PS3?

MGS4, LBP, in their current states, can only be done on the PS3.


Outside of the obviousness of LBP being Sony published, why can't it be done anywhere else?


No BR. As simple as that. A lot of the space on the game disc is taken by tutorials and audio. That would require extra discs. That's my thought on it. I don't remember much of the other stuff Media Molecule said, but they provided some additional reasons.

@Barozi, I'm not really interested in console UT's, as you can get them on your PC. Therefore, I don't know much of them.


Around the Network
Xen said:
outlawauron said:
Does anyone still believe, only can be done on PS3?

MGS4, LBP, in their current states, can only be done on the PS3.


why they cant ?? maybe for LBP yah they cant because its for sony but for mgs4 they can .. as u know the blue-ray is full of uncompressed data & they can compress all the blue-ray data in one DVD for the 360 if they want.



It's fake but MGS5 may be on xbox360

It won't The rumor started at god damn MGS3 but that never happend and i doubt this will. Only future stuff with Kojima here on now might go but not MGS4.

He won't actually take all the funny Playstation jokes & when the game installs it says exclusive on PS3 etc the blu-ray jokes, the PS1 memory card + vibration. What sick guy would take away those funny jokes in middle of the awesome stealth game!! XD Not gonna happen!

*TOPIC CLOSED* Now imma go play MGO ;D

Around the Network
Xen said:
Onyxmeth said:
Xen said:
outlawauron said:
Does anyone still believe, only can be done on PS3?

MGS4, LBP, in their current states, can only be done on the PS3.


Outside of the obviousness of LBP being Sony published, why can't it be done anywhere else?


No BR. As simple as that. A lot of the space on the game disc is taken by tutorials and audio. That would require extra discs. That's my thought on it. I don't remember much of the other stuff Media Molecule said, but they provided some additional reasons.

@Barozi, I'm not really interested in console UT's, as you can get them on your PC. Therefore, I don't know much of them.


So what you're telling me is that if Sony allowed LBP to be ported to the PC it wouldn't be able to keep it's current state? I'm pretty sure the whole game could just be one big download over Steam.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Xen said:
Onyxmeth said:
Xen said:
outlawauron said:
Does anyone still believe, only can be done on PS3?

MGS4, LBP, in their current states, can only be done on the PS3.


Outside of the obviousness of LBP being Sony published, why can't it be done anywhere else?


No BR. As simple as that. A lot of the space on the game disc is taken by tutorials and audio. That would require extra discs. That's my thought on it. I don't remember much of the other stuff Media Molecule said, but they provided some additional reasons.

@Barozi, I'm not really interested in console UT's, as you can get them on your PC. Therefore, I don't know much of them.


So what you're telling me is that if Sony allowed LBP to be ported to the PC it wouldn't be able to keep it's current state? I'm pretty sure the whole game could just be one big download over Steam.


One HUGE download.

But meh, I can't really discuss this with you, I'm not too smart in PC vs console differences...

Yay GO MGO, New expansion packs etc :oo

NNN2004 said:
Xen said:
outlawauron said:
Does anyone still believe, only can be done on PS3?

MGS4, LBP, in their current states, can only be done on the PS3.


why they cant ?? maybe for LBP yah they cant because its for sony but for mgs4 they can .. as u know the blue-ray is full of uncompressed data & they can compress all the blue-ray data in one DVD for the 360 if they want.


Nice pulling things out of your ass.. if you didnt know MGS4 is compressed to hell, the only thing that isnt is the 7.1 sorround sound.

Also, there are ALOT of reasons why its very unlikely for MGS4 to appear on the XBOX 360, just play the game, and you'd know why.



SMcc1887 said:
ALOT OF SH!T. I't cannot be made on 360, and there are even quotes in the game which refer to this. And did u just make this story up... or where's the source?


 Ok without starting this thread down the path of "PS3 way more power than 360".

Did you really honestly believe that game could not be done on a machine with 3 main GP cores and 3 secondary GP cores?

Please. Sony and Kojima had to say it was not possible for the sales of PS3 hardware plus game. People had to believe they were getting a game that was only possible on that system at the time for massive rush buying.

I expect it will be on 360 "if this is true" by christmas 2009. Also Kojima wouldnt have to have anything to do with it. All the game needs is optimizing for 360, and M$ usually send there own people to other devs to help out. So othe Konami programmers could work with M$ to get it done.

After all Kojima has no say in the matter whatsoever.