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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MGS4 coming to 360?, (PS3/360) fanboys click here

I don't really care about the game getting ported so much, but I think that Konami would really benefit from bringing the online version over to Live...

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Geee...Konami is looking at the $$$ and thinking....screw sony. The only way studios are going to maintain exclusive will be thru 1st party stuff...imho. While i'll doubt that MGS4 will sell more on 360 than PS3, it will sell several million, and that will mean far greater return on investment for Konami. The greater danger is that MSG5 might NOT be released exclusively to PS.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Onyxmeth said:
blazinhead89 said:
Kojima said himself, It's only possible on PS3. MGS4 is fantastic Game, If you wanna play it Get a PS3. Just like i'd get a 360 if they had a 3rd party Exclusive I wanted

Kojima says a lot of things that aren't true. If that's your basis on why it's impossible to be ported on 360 then I suggest you find better arguments.


No that's not only My reasons : There are Plenty of Playstation references in the game : PS3 and a PSP are referenced. Blu-ray is also referenced. The Dualshock 3 controller is also used to Control the MK II. Aside from that, It's on a 50GB Blu-ray disc, so a lot of content would have to be cut (Rage anyone) The sound would have to be compressed ant the textures. In Essence "Kojimas Vision of MGS4 Would Not be possible on 360. Also, MGS2 Substance failed to light up the xbox 1 charts, so why would they release on 360? The xbox userbase (I'm assuming a lot of 360 Users owned Xbox 1) doesn't seem to care for MGS Series.

heruamon said:
Geee...Konami is looking at the $$$ and thinking....screw sony. The only way studios are going to maintain exclusive will be thru 1st party stuff...imho. While i'll doubt that MGS4 will sell more on 360 than PS3, it will sell several million, and that will mean far greater return on investment for Konami. The greater danger is that MSG5 might NOT be released exclusively to PS.

300k at best.


Onyxmeth said:
Grahamhsu said:

I'll wake my gf and ask her to translate...


edit: On second thought I'll wait a bit later she pulled an all nighter doing some homework.

Cool beans. Here's what she should translate whenever she gets her lazy ass out of bed.

そのほかではコナミ <9766> への注目も高かった。会場で人気を博していた大作「メタルギア ソリッド4」(PS3向け)について、「世界中で要望の多い『Xbox360』向けの発売 も前向きに検討している」(コナミ 広報室・改井良隆氏)と、やはりマルチプラットフォームを視野に入れる。ただ、PS3向けにのみ発売されるタイトルが 減ることで、ソニー <6758> にとっては悪材料となりそうだ。同シリーズはソニー陣営の有力ブランドとなっているだけに、今後の動向次第ではコナミとソニーの株価に影響を及ぼす可能性も否定できない。


Kk so she just woke up and translated it. She says Konami is looking towards porting it for 360 and making it multiplatform, and is slightly inclined. However this would damage relations with Sony because it is one of their most profitable franchises. That's basically it wrapped up.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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Grahamhsu said:
Onyxmeth said:
Grahamhsu said:

I'll wake my gf and ask her to translate...


edit: On second thought I'll wait a bit later she pulled an all nighter doing some homework.

Cool beans. Here's what she should translate whenever she gets her lazy ass out of bed.

そのほかではコナミ <9766> への注目も高かった。会場で人気を博していた大作「メタルギア ソリッド4」(PS3向け)について、「世界中で要望の多い『Xbox360』向けの発売 も前向きに検討している」(コナミ 広報室・改井良隆氏)と、やはりマルチプラットフォームを視野に入れる。ただ、PS3向けにのみ発売されるタイトルが 減ることで、ソニー <6758> にとっては悪材料となりそうだ。同シリーズはソニー陣営の有力ブランドとなっているだけに、今後の動向次第ではコナミとソニーの株価に影響を及ぼす可能性も否定できない。


Kk so she just woke up and translated it. She says Konami is looking towards porting it for 360 and making it multiplatform, and is slightly inclined. However this would damage relations with Sony because it is one of their most profitable franchises. That's basically it wrapped up.

Thanks man.

@blazinhead-This is in no way confirmation, but if this was really said then it may very well happen. Every problem you've professed can be changed or worked around. Will it be worth it? That's up to Konami, not me. My job is to educate people that say it's impossible. It is not impossible. If anything, improbable is a much more accurate word to describe this situation, because impossible is what people said of plenty of other former PS3 exclusives that decided to play on both sides of the fence. Don't be one of those people that might look foolish when MGS4, or something just like it, gets a port.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

blazinhead89 said:
Onyxmeth said:
blazinhead89 said:
Kojima said himself, It's only possible on PS3. MGS4 is fantastic Game, If you wanna play it Get a PS3. Just like i'd get a 360 if they had a 3rd party Exclusive I wanted

Kojima says a lot of things that aren't true. If that's your basis on why it's impossible to be ported on 360 then I suggest you find better arguments.



No that's not only My reasons : There are Plenty of Playstation references in the game : PS3 and a PSP are referenced. Blu-ray is also referenced. The Dualshock 3 controller is also used to Control the MK II. Aside from that, It's on a 50GB Blu-ray disc, so a lot of content would have to be cut (Rage anyone) The sound would have to be compressed ant the textures. In Essence "Kojimas Vision of MGS4 Would Not be possible on 360. Also, MGS2 Substance failed to light up the xbox 1 charts, so why would they release on 360? The xbox userbase (I'm assuming a lot of 360 Users owned Xbox 1) doesn't seem to care for MGS Series.

From the creators mouth... The idea that it can't be done is crazy... These people are generally alot smarter than we are.

And did anyone stop to think that maybe it's not MGS4, but the MGS Online?

Sorry if someone already wrote it:
If I was Sony, I'd pay a little cash Konami to release MGS4 on XB360 with NO CUTS AT ALL, on 11 glorious single layer DVD's
I'd also pay them to do little unnoticeable modifications during cutscenes (so that controls unresponsiveness doesn't give out too blatantly the little, innocent trick) that alternatively push CPU and GPU to 100% load, followed by idle times, just to strain a little bit older RRoD vulnerable models

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

@ Barozi )

uhmm.. I guess as a german you know the term "milchmädchen rechnung" right?

In a game there are certain elements which have to be on every single game disc (ofcourse not on pure video discs), if they can't be installed on the HDD, like the graphics engine, physics engine, certain textures and certain sounds and so on...
Combined with the fact, that 360 game discs usually only can use up to 7.8GB (the outer circles of the DVD are used for protection) the amount of "real" space gained through additional DVDs is considerably smaller than the theoretical 9GB a double-layer DVD could hold.

BTW ofcourse the data on BRs already is compressed although the compression-rate might not be as high as the one used to fit 360 games on a DVD, so although there is potential for further compression it's quite certainly not as high as many people seem to believe.

You have to play MGS3 to understand MGS4. 360 owners will be confused unless MGS3 came to 360 somehow. Right?