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Grahamhsu said:
Onyxmeth said:
Grahamhsu said:

I'll wake my gf and ask her to translate...


edit: On second thought I'll wait a bit later she pulled an all nighter doing some homework.

Cool beans. Here's what she should translate whenever she gets her lazy ass out of bed.

そのほかではコナミ <9766> への注目も高かった。会場で人気を博していた大作「メタルギア ソリッド4」(PS3向け)について、「世界中で要望の多い『Xbox360』向けの発売 も前向きに検討している」(コナミ 広報室・改井良隆氏)と、やはりマルチプラットフォームを視野に入れる。ただ、PS3向けにのみ発売されるタイトルが 減ることで、ソニー <6758> にとっては悪材料となりそうだ。同シリーズはソニー陣営の有力ブランドとなっているだけに、今後の動向次第ではコナミとソニーの株価に影響を及ぼす可能性も否定できない。


Kk so she just woke up and translated it. She says Konami is looking towards porting it for 360 and making it multiplatform, and is slightly inclined. However this would damage relations with Sony because it is one of their most profitable franchises. That's basically it wrapped up.

Thanks man.

@blazinhead-This is in no way confirmation, but if this was really said then it may very well happen. Every problem you've professed can be changed or worked around. Will it be worth it? That's up to Konami, not me. My job is to educate people that say it's impossible. It is not impossible. If anything, improbable is a much more accurate word to describe this situation, because impossible is what people said of plenty of other former PS3 exclusives that decided to play on both sides of the fence. Don't be one of those people that might look foolish when MGS4, or something just like it, gets a port.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.