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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MGS4 coming to 360?, (PS3/360) fanboys click here

ASide from the obvious Blu ray reference by Otacon, can someone tell me all the times the game references Bluray or Playstation in some way. People here have said it makes a few mentions, just wanna make sure i got them all!

First we have the blu-ray joke ofcourse.


Then when Psycho Mantis appears he says put down ur controller ill make it vibrate if u dont have a dualshock he says WHAT NO VIBRATION and u see a flashback on ur PS1 XD. Then he will read ur memory but he says WHAT NO MEMORY CARD EITHER? and a flashback on PS1 memory card. Then he dies.. XD...

We also have the when installing not sure if u noticed but it says like take health breaks etc, Then it says at some points : THis game is exclusive to the PS3 system.

Then we have the rumors with blu-ray beeing to big for Xbox to handle, The fact that konami or hideo NEVER actually confirmed, and the rumors have been since MGS3! lol, and that Kojima said he would rather release other future games then Redo this.

Based on all that id say it wont come.

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WOW this is getting sad. These fools just cant let it go. It has been said time and time again by the CREATOR that it is not coming to the 360.

If these fools cant get this through there head whats gonna happen with LBP. Are we gonna see 10,000 posts over the next 6 months that say "LBP ON 360"....seriously

U dont see ps3 fans saying "MARIO ON PS3" or wii fans saying "HALO ON Wii" this is pathetic.

My PSN Name is:  EvilChronos    add me if u want :)


PS3=130M     360=90M     Wii=120M     DS=130M     PSP=70M

Other Prediction: The PS3 will overtake the 360 XMAS of 09  "9-21-08"



EvilChronos said:

WOW this is getting sad. These fools just cant let it go. It has been said time and time again by the CREATOR that it is not coming to the 360.

If these fools cant get this through there head whats gonna happen with LBP. Are we gonna see 10,000 posts over the next 6 months that say "LBP ON 360"....seriously

U dont see ps3 fans saying "MARIO ON PS3" or wii fans saying "HALO ON Wii" this is pathetic.

Two things:

1. Stop calling people fools because the real fool is the one that gets banned over slinging insults.

2. No one will ask anything about LBP, Mario or Halo because they are all published by the console manufacturers. MGS is published by Konami and just like any third party game and series, has the chance to be ported.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Konami would have to return some funds if it came to 360. Sony even bundled the game. Do you really think sony would let a game go that they've advertised as a flagship product and still ranks high on the PS homepage to this day?

FFXIII was let go of because it's coming waaaay too late to be of significant help. Japan is where it would still help and the exclusivity there remains

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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EvilChronos said:

WOW this is getting sad. These fools just cant let it go. It has been said time and time again by the CREATOR that it is not coming to the 360.

If these fools cant get this through there head whats gonna happen with LBP. Are we gonna see 10,000 posts over the next 6 months that say "LBP ON 360"....seriously

U dont see ps3 fans saying "MARIO ON PS3" or wii fans saying "HALO ON Wii" this is pathetic.


You seem to have misread the posts. There is an argument about whether it could be done, not whether it will be done.

EvilChronos said:

WOW this is getting sad. These fools just cant let it go. It has been said time and time again by the CREATOR that it is not coming to the 360.

If these fools cant get this through there head whats gonna happen with LBP. Are we gonna see 10,000 posts over the next 6 months that say "LBP ON 360"....seriously

U dont see ps3 fans saying "MARIO ON PS3" or wii fans saying "HALO ON Wii" this is pathetic.


 I think the difference here is that Nintendo own the Mario IP and MS own the Halo IP. MGS on the other hand is fuck all to do with sony. This is all the incentive some people need to start hoping/wishing/wanting.

If this happened. I would be really ticked off that a game I bought the console for goes to another console that I already owned. Well I still have WKS and Blazblue.


EvilChronos said:

WOW this is getting sad. These fools just cant let it go. It has been said time and time again by the CREATOR that it is not coming to the 360.

If these fools cant get this through there head whats gonna happen with LBP. Are we gonna see 10,000 posts over the next 6 months that say "LBP ON 360"....seriously

U dont see ps3 fans saying "MARIO ON PS3" or wii fans saying "HALO ON Wii" this is pathetic.


 MGS is nothing like Mario or Halo. Sony doesnt own MGS.

Also Kojima has no say. How many times does this need to be said. Konami own the entire rights. If the directors of the company want it, Kojima can tdo anything. And if you think Kojima has to be involved to port the game your wrong.

Still basically saying the same thing though. He has said it many times yet for some reason u people still think it is possible. It is just as possible as mario on ps3 and halo on wii that was my point.

And the word fool is not a big insult, any site who would ban someone for calling someone a fool needs to really re-examine there ban criteria and then wake up into the real world...

My PSN Name is:  EvilChronos    add me if u want :)


PS3=130M     360=90M     Wii=120M     DS=130M     PSP=70M

Other Prediction: The PS3 will overtake the 360 XMAS of 09  "9-21-08"