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ASide from the obvious Blu ray reference by Otacon, can someone tell me all the times the game references Bluray or Playstation in some way. People here have said it makes a few mentions, just wanna make sure i got them all!

First we have the blu-ray joke ofcourse.


Then when Psycho Mantis appears he says put down ur controller ill make it vibrate if u dont have a dualshock he says WHAT NO VIBRATION and u see a flashback on ur PS1 XD. Then he will read ur memory but he says WHAT NO MEMORY CARD EITHER? and a flashback on PS1 memory card. Then he dies.. XD...

We also have the when installing not sure if u noticed but it says like take health breaks etc, Then it says at some points : THis game is exclusive to the PS3 system.

Then we have the rumors with blu-ray beeing to big for Xbox to handle, The fact that konami or hideo NEVER actually confirmed, and the rumors have been since MGS3! lol, and that Kojima said he would rather release other future games then Redo this.

Based on all that id say it wont come.