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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will LBP Get "Zack and Wikied"?

DOATS1 said:
mesoteto said:
i doubt it there is nothing really new or differnt about this game

its a solid platformer that lets you make a level

level creation has been around for a while as well as platforming

so has racing, fps, tps, rpg, beat em ups, shoot em ups and adventure games. what's your point?



did you read teh topic...he is worried that the game might fall into the ZW effect b/c its differnt...its not that differnt its just better done


i dont see teh point your trying to make?


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Torillian said:
HappySqurriel said:
Dno said:
HappySqurriel said:
perpride said:
Sony will not let LBP, a first game which is now almost guaranteed AAA metacritic and gamerankings rating, a game that is exlcusive to PS3, flop.

Flop is relative ...

Ratchet and Clank Future is also a game that was published by Sony, received solid review scores, is exclusive to the PS3, received tons of marketing, was retailer's favourite game to bundle holiday 2007, and only sold 1.4 Million copies ... 1.4 Million can be considered a success by Sony but compared to the hype of the game it could be considered a failure as well.



 anybody who says a game has sold almost 1.5 mil is a failure is very delusional

So, had Metal Gear Solid 4 or Grand Theft Auto 4 sold 1.5 Million units and (as a result) bankrupted their developers/publishers because of the high development costs they would be considered a success?

There were countless posts of how Ratchet and Clank future would become the best selling Ratchet and Clank game and sell (more than) 3 Million units ... selling (less than) half that much can be considered a failure in relation to those expectations.


Are you telling me that Ratchet and Clank's sales bankrupted Insomniac.  That seems to be the criteria for failure in your first part of the post, and then in the second you base it off posts on a forum.  People overestimate the sales of games, doesn't make those games failures.


Maybe you should READ my post DNO was responding to ...


HappySqurriel said:
perpride said:
Sony will not let LBP, a first game which is now almost guaranteed AAA metacritic and gamerankings rating, a game that is exlcusive to PS3, flop.

Flop is relative ...

Ratchet and Clank Future is also a game that was published by Sony, received solid review scores, is exclusive to the PS3, received tons of marketing, was retailer's favourite game to bundle holiday 2007, and only sold 1.4 Million copies ... 1.4 Million can be considered a success by Sony but compared to the hype of the game it could be considered a failure as well.


I agree with your point, but your argument is lacking common sense.  There is no way to spin that 1.4 million for Ratchet and Clank is a flop.  It released on a console with maybe a 6 million user base.  I guess Lost Planet (1.6 million) and Dead Rising (1.7 million) were flops as well?


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Well, Zack and Wiki didn't really sell that badly.. 430K is not bad at all, they must have made their money back and there is a sequel in the works.

Little Big Planet is likely to be huge becuse its (from what we've read) a great game and it really is getting tons of advertising and publicity. I think LBP will be the first new IP for the PS3 to really set it apart.



I've read it, and honesty I feel like I've seen this argument from you a hundred times over.

"well this game is a failure because I saw someone say they thought it would get 10 mil. sales"

y'know I've seen people say the Wii would do better than it has (John Lucas) so can I now call the Wii a failure?


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^that's dangerous using john ,, what about crazzyman?


exactly the point Meso, there will always be people predicting crazy numbers, how many people have to say something before it's common opinion. It is a ridiculous idea to try and base a game's failure and/or success based on what you perceive as the expectation, because that's relative to what you read and what you wanted to remember. Personally I remember most posts about LBP predicting 2-3 mil. But Happy would rather bring up the crazies.


^agreed, i also don't think there is ever really a point where something becomes solid just b/c you say it enough

i think it depends on where you say it and who you are with, i can still find people that think the wii is a fad

just like i can find people that think teh ps3 is going to bankrupt sony

there wil always be those crazies


To HappySqurriel,

I doubt that LBP was expensive to make compared to MGS4/GTA4.
I also doubt Ratchet and ZackandW get the amazing review LBP is getting
I doubt ZackandW was an hyped game OR it was only beyond Ninty fans that are far from represent all Wii owners.
I also doubt Ratchet was an hyped game OR it was like HeavenlySword : everybody hope the game will sell (PS3 fans) but only fews buy it really.
I also doubt that ZackandW was really pushed by Ninty
I also doubt that Ratchet was pushed by Sony.

To OP :


We are talking about the Top3 game of the year.

(Let's say GTA4 and GoWII will be here too)

Time to Work !

Torillian said:


I've read it, and honesty I feel like I've seen this argument from you a hundred times over.

"well this game is a failure because I saw someone say they thought it would get 10 mil. sales"

y'know I've seen people say the Wii would do better than it has (John Lucas) so can I now call the Wii a failure?

You (probably) have seen the argument from me several times, and you will probably see it in the future as well ...

I think there is a difference from using John Lucas or Crazzyman's predictions to characterize an entire userbase because (for the most part) they are outliers and using their predictions would be cherrypicking; as a result I was not putting forward the predictions that Ratchet and Clank Future would outsell Super Mario Galaxy because that was an (obviously) bad prediction. The predictions I am using would fall fairly close to the mean or median average of predictions made by fans for these games.

Anyways, I'm not talking about "Failure" in the sense that it wasn't a game that was worthwhile to make either, I'm just talking about a game that Failed to meet the expectations of the fanbase in general. Had I suggested that Ratchet and Clank would only receive sales of 1 to 2 Million units before it launched I would have been attacked by PS3 fans ... I know this because I suggested that Ratchet and Clank would only receive sales of 1 to 2 Million units before it launched and I was attacked by PS3 fans.