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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which game will be a system seller

Hmmm I see LPB being a good system seller, especially in japan and europe. Resistance 2 and KZ2 shoud do well in the us.

For the 360 and don't think fable 2 or GeOW will sell many consoles, in fact I don't think that the 360 will have a good system seller again.

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LBP is the only system seller there.

Lbp Will be the bestest followed by fable then gears then R2

scottie said:
Resistance 2 and gears 2 are sequels to PS360 games, how could they be system sellers?

Fable 2 will be to a small degree

LBP no-one knows how it'll do. Should sell some systems, but i doubt it'll sell too many


Agreed. Pacific Rift is in the category with R2 and GeoW2.

Fable 1 wasn't a massive success, but it did pretty well. It'll push a lot of hardware, but not as much as LBP.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

None of the above, because the era of the system-seller as we know it is over. If GTA4, MGS4, and even the mighty Halo 3 failed to produce large lasting sales boosts, nothing else will. The industry just doesn't work that way anymore.

I do suspect that we'll see a week or two of elevated sales surrounding each of these games. But then, just as with every other big release or price drop we've seen with the HD consoles to date, hardware sales will crash and burn back to basically the levels they were before the release, indistinguishable from the current upward trends. If anything, these games will at that point simply fade into the gestalt: the overall catalog for which people get consoles, selling a little more for each individual game in it but not traceable to any one of them.

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I noticed your top 2 games were 360 and bottom 2 were PS3 games...

I really do not see how Gears will sell more 360s. That is unless someone who loved the first one has to buy a new 360 that blew up with RROD to play it.

Res 1 was not hyped, and was not really billed as a killer ap coming out. Res 2 is getting completely different treatment... LBP is a hit or miss type game, it just depends who you ask.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

You put it alphabetically, yet you got it wrong.

A B C D E F G. (Note the order of F and G?)


scottie said:
MGS4 is a sequel to a PS2 game
R2 is a sequel to a PS3 game


 go see xbox sales when halo 2 dropped........


likely LBP will be it

As far as i can see the only system seller this gen is Wii Sports. Halo 3 and MGS4 less so. GTA4 did nothing and that was the biggest "system seller" game talked up as such.

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