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Forums - General Discussion - get a girl to talk to me

sweetoothj said:
..this is taking too long... So here is my advice:

Get some flowers (a rose would do nicely) write your phone number on the inside of the flower (bit tricky, practice makes perfect).. go to her when everybody is around.. walk straight.. chest up.. dress nice.. give her the rose.. don't say anything but: "excuse me... this is for you.." then turn around.. walk back the way you came.. don't run.. just walk away.. (the entire school will be looking at you so stay cool)

If she likes you.. she will call you.. and you'll be a hero to all the boys who aren't as brave as you..
If she doesn't like you she will trow the flower away and the entire school will be laughing at you..
that's called crashing and burning.. but some will respect you since you had the guts to do it...

If she turns you down it's better to know soon... otherwise your hart will break harder...

I crashed and burned at dozen of times... but hey.. no guts no glory..

good advice but one flaw i dont want her to be my gf i want to talk to her

Say wut? why didn't you say so? that's easy..

During every lunch break get near her... make eye contact...

after a few lunches.. say hi, you may not get a response first...

But keep trying!!!

There will be a day when she says hi back to you (or at least a smile)..

after a few hi's.. start have a conversation with her.. about school..maybe you share the same teachers etc..

then it's up to you...

but remember... EYE CONTACT... don't turn you eyes away when she looks back at you...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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grab her ass and be like "bitch respect my authorities"

sweetoothj said:
nah i dont want anyone else helping and again drop a note u trying to get me laugh at and for the person said i breath heavy that all funny but one flaw im not fat


You are asking for help. On a website. That discusses Video Game Sales. To get a girl. Fail.


Nah just kidding man.

We all know that VGCers are total pimps:

rocketpig said:
NiKKoM said:
rocketpig said:
NiKKoM said:
rocketpig said:
I found it's best to hide in the bushes outside her house and wait for her to walk by... Spring out and see what happens. She'll talk first, I guarantee.

Those were the old days... nowadays you'll get pepperspray in you face... and she kicks you in the nuts when your down.. and not saying a word doing that..

You don't get turned on by that?



First time.. yes.. eighth time... no.. the pain in the nuts takes over...the pain... the PAIN!

I never make it to the eighth time... The cops always show up or I finish before that point.


Damn... it doesn't take a lot to make you finish does it?? you have my respect my perverted friend..



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

how about this i rape her... she has to say something then now dosent she

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sweetoothj said:
how about this i rape her... she has to say something then now dosent she


oh toasty, why?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Punch her from behind.
Then tie her up.
Then talk to her.

Untouch said:
Punch her from behind.
Then tie her up.
Then talk to her.

It rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.

Or check out my new webcomic:

sweetoothj said:
how about this i rape her... she has to say something then now dosent she

To be honest.. you don't even have the guts to say Hi to her.. So I know she will kick your ass..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

grab her ass.

Or better yet say "hi can I talk to you for a second" problem solved u weird person.