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Forums - Sony Discussion - Xbox 360 head wrong - Blu-ray doing just fine!!!!

Recently, Xbox 360 product manager, Aaron Greenberg, indicated in an interview that the Blu-ray is not the future. He also goes on to take stabs at Sony for some of its decisions regarding the PS3.


Greenberg stated in an interview with Major Nelson, that the Blu-ray is no DVD. He also indicated that the Blu-ray format could be the next UMD. I assume he is attempting to correlate UMD as a failed format for movies. An odd comparison considering that the UMD is a Sony PSP only format. I assume you could also say then, that the Nintendo DS cartridges is a failed format as well.

Greenberg said:

“We have no plans to integrate Blu-ray into the Xbox experience, ..We believe that we shouldn’t force consumers to pay for things they don’t want. We also believe that the future’s digital, and that’s why we’ve invested in a massive library of entertainment content.”

This supports my recent story detailing how Microsoft’s nickel and dime business practice is financially savvier than Sony’s model. However, the part about offering consumers more options probably wasn’t what Microsoft had in mind as Peter Moore recently confirmed that the decision to release an Xbox 360 model with no hard drive was based on the extreme desire to bring the Xbox division into the black.

He also said:

“No one knows what Blu-ray will be. It’s pretty clear it is not the next DVD, right? The days of one physical format being the standard are gone… Let’s say right now we’re not sure if it’s the next UMD or the next DVD.”

Apparently, analysts and vendors are stating that Blu-ray is definitely no DVD; in fact according to them it is actually doing much better than the DVD did back 11 years ago. Analysts report from Format War Central, that the Blu-ray format has picked up 145.68% week over week with the release of Iron Man which took a huge 17% of total movie disc sales.

Reuters also reported that optical equipment parts manufacturer, Singulus Technologies, estimated that the Blu-ray format acceptance is much greater then that of the DVD 11 years ago. Singulus also stated that the demand for Blu-ray is about two times more than what then that of the DVD 11 years ago. 

I suppose the Blu-ray acceptance rate doesn’t translate well to our Internet induced ADD mentality. In an ever increasing connected world, consumers want instant gratification and action. Only time will tell how successful Blu-ray will be. However, with the US switching to HD sometime in 2009, Blu-ray’s success seems inevitable.

Microsoft when will you come to your senses, blu ray is doing better than the dvd did 11 years ago and it was noted in the article with the US switching to hd consoles in 2009 (ps3) Blu ray success seems inevitable, People at Microsoft need to understand Blu ray is the future.

As Einstein said "Blu ray is the way to go forward in life"

perpride said - "STFU fucked up...get over it."

Around the Network

Of course what do you expect him to say Blu ray is awesome we should have incorporated into the 360?

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

they were fighting so hard for the HD-DVD just to make it the next UMD, these stupid claims started when the HD-DVD was near to death

@MEGAMAN: allow me to fetch a sandwich :D

Megaman! Where have you been all my life!?

And OT: Blu ray hasnt and wont fail

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

"We believe that we shouldn’t force consumers to pay for things they don’t want."

sony is holding a gun and threatening me
they are FORCING me to get a ps3

Around the Network

Hey megaman, I missed your posts :D

As for MS saying that BR is doing bad and won't do good anytime soon, that's just trash talk.

one advantage Blu-ray has over DVD when comparing early acceptance rates is the fact that DVD was trying to replace a 100% play/record technology (VHS tape) with a play only technology (DVD-rom), whereas blu-ray is trying to replace a mostly play only tech with another play only tech. Early adopteds are likely key, here. Getting the masses on board will be the real trick.

blackstar said:
"We believe that we shouldn’t force consumers to pay for things they don’t want."

sony is holding a gun and threatening me
they are FORCING me to get a ps3

Rofl . Ot: M$ claims the future is digital etc etc, How Come it's actually SONY who let you download full Games off of PSN? m$ on the hand? They can talk the talk, but they certainly aint walking the walk. The Irony

Another guy that is basing his comment on "1 week data"

Basically, the last time, the guy said BR was dead, and now BR is god ...

... boring

Time to Work !


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey