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Forums - Sony Discussion - Samsung BD player for $149 on Black Friday.,news-2749.html

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Stuff like this makes me laugh at people who say Blu-Ray will fail.

It's not doing great right now, but just wait until they're at $149 average. Some will be $100...and they'll sell like hotcakes. Then, so will the discs.

I'd get it if I didn't already have a $600 Blu-Ray

Phrancheyez said:
Stuff like this makes me laugh at people who say Blu-Ray will fail.

It's not doing great right now, but just wait until they're at $149 average. Some will be $100...and they'll sell like hotcakes. Then, so will the discs.

I'd get it if I didn't already have a $600 Blu-Ray

Maybe they say that because there are $20 dvd players that the general consumer is perfectly happy with.  Plus the fact that the general consumer can get dvds for like $8 instead of paying $15 or whatever for blu ray.  And before you come back saying the difference in quality bear in mind that I am talking about the average shopper, move watcher and not someone who is a technology and/or Sony lover which make up a much smaller proportion of the world


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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tuoyo said:
Phrancheyez said:
Stuff like this makes me laugh at people who say Blu-Ray will fail.

It's not doing great right now, but just wait until they're at $149 average. Some will be $100...and they'll sell like hotcakes. Then, so will the discs.

I'd get it if I didn't already have a $600 Blu-Ray

Maybe they say that because there are $20 dvd players that the general consumer is perfectly happy with.  Plus the fact that the general consumer can get dvds for like $8 instead of paying $15 or whatever for blu ray.  And before you come back saying the difference in quality bear in mind that I am talking about the average shopper, move watcher and not someone who is a technology and/or Sony lover which make up a much smaller proportion of the world



The general public who buys $20 dvd players are morons - and they probably think that to themself before they buy it.  They also know the player has 0% reliability and will break in less than a year.  These players are only bought for their children - I don't know anyone, including the 'technologically challenged' that have such cheap DVD players.

The only $8 DVD's are old as hell.  You won't find new ones for that price.

The only $15 Blu-Rays are...well, are there any $15 Blu-Rays??  Hmm..

The better comparison there is $20-$30 DVD-BluRay.


Phrancheyez said:
tuoyo said:
Phrancheyez said:
Stuff like this makes me laugh at people who say Blu-Ray will fail.

It's not doing great right now, but just wait until they're at $149 average. Some will be $100...and they'll sell like hotcakes. Then, so will the discs.

I'd get it if I didn't already have a $600 Blu-Ray

Maybe they say that because there are $20 dvd players that the general consumer is perfectly happy with.  Plus the fact that the general consumer can get dvds for like $8 instead of paying $15 or whatever for blu ray.  And before you come back saying the difference in quality bear in mind that I am talking about the average shopper, move watcher and not someone who is a technology and/or Sony lover which make up a much smaller proportion of the world



The general public who buys $20 dvd players are morons - and they probably think that to themself before they buy it.  They also know the player has 0% reliability and will break in less than a year.  These players are only bought for their children - I don't know anyone, including the 'technologically challenged' that have such cheap DVD players.

The only $8 DVD's are old as hell.  You won't find new ones for that price.

The only $15 Blu-Rays are...well, are there any $15 Blu-Rays??  Hmm..

The better comparison there is $20-$30 DVD-BluRay.


Don't see how you can determine how a person spends their money and whether they are wise or foolish for spending it on something.  There are probably more people in the world that think a person who spends $600 on a games console is a moron than there are people who think a person who spends $20 on a dvd player is a moron.  And so what if it breaks within a year?  It will still come with a 1yr warranty and even if it does not or breaks after the end of the warranty period you can just buy another one at about the price of a blu ray movie or a meal for 2 at burger king


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


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good news for blu ray, bad news for ps3 (in terms of inflated sales it received by being the cheapest blu ray player on the market).

i was at best buy yesterday and most blu ray players were $299 so they are really starting to become affordable. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority were attainable for $250 or less over the holidays.

But-but-but, I thought that Blu-Ray would fail!

I will buy a bluray player when:

1. I buy an hdtv
2. movies are $20 or less
3. players are $100 or less.

#1 is the biggest hurdle. I won't buy a tv until my current widescreen sdtv is breaking OR hdtv is the base programming for cable/satellite. Digitial tv is good enough for now.


EDIT: Though I would be really surprised that a BR layers is that cheap already. Must be overstock for older models, maybe.

kitler53 said:
good news for blu ray, bad news for ps3 (in terms of inflated sales it received by being the cheapest blu ray player on the market).

i was at best buy yesterday and most blu ray players were $299 so they are really starting to become affordable. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority were attainable for $250 or less over the holidays.

It's only good for the PS3.

1. Sony still loses money on the console - if it's bought for BR they have to make more for the ones that want it for software. Thus, losing money. Remember - Sony makes it's PS money on PS software.

2. Sony intends to profit from movie sales, right? if the players are cheap, and therefore, more widely bought and more popular, Sony profits more.


Xen said:
kitler53 said:
good news for blu ray, bad news for ps3 (in terms of inflated sales it received by being the cheapest blu ray player on the market).

i was at best buy yesterday and most blu ray players were $299 so they are really starting to become affordable. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority were attainable for $250 or less over the holidays.

It's only good for the PS3.

1. Sony still loses money on the console - if it's bought for BR they have to make more for the ones that want it for software. Thus, losing money. Remember - Sony makes it's PS money on PS software.

2. Sony intends to profit from movie sales, right? if the players are cheap, and therefore, more widely bought and more popular, Sony profits more.


err...i didn't say bad news sony.

i just meant that for the longest time the ps3 was the cheapest blu ray player and undoubtedly recieved some sales from non-gamers because of that.  now that stand alones are cheaper that's much less likely to happen.  so bad news in terms of trying to push past the 360 in WW sales.  i'm not considering profits for sony in my statement.