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Forums - Sales Discussion - You can't rent games anymore in Belgium - Netherlands ...

Wow....that really really blows. I have a feeling if this spreads to other European countries that you'll suddenly see less demos on PSN and XBL as well : (

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Why does the Belgiun government have the power to implement such ludicrous laws? Powerful, obtrusive government is nobodies' friend. Hopefully other countries don't follow suit.

I feel a great disturbance in the Force. It is as though millions of console modchips clicked into place, and then, silence - except for the nearly-imperceptible whoosh of BitTorrent data, hits on isoHunt, and spinning DVD-R drives.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



you can read more of it on Kotaku..

and here (you might need to translate):

I wonder since this is Europe how will it affect UK...

Hooray for console modding and other illegal ways to get your games.

I never obtained a game illegal, but with all the DRM and now this, they're practically forcing me to.

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It's been a while since I rented stuff... if it were implmented here, I'd be fine with it.

Oh well, I guess the "Buy/Rent" section of game reviews are useless for those countries!

But still, for me, permanent ownership >> all.

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Its been around for ages, the industry was just willing to look the other way before... Kinda silly really, mark my word that they will NOT see anywhere near 60% rise in sale, all this does is hurt the industry.

Chrizum said:
Hooray for console modding and other illegal ways to get your games.

I never obtained a game illegal, but with all the DRM and now this, they're practically forcing me to.

No, they are not.

You can simply buy games, or go without.  Reviews are plenty to give you a strong idea of whether you will like a game.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I think libraries should be the next to go. I hear some books are read 20 to 30 time without the publisher getting any additional revenue from the readers. This is entirely wrong and is killing the book publishing industry. Closing libraries would have a amazing effect on the book industry with sales rising 100% to 200%. This will be good for everyone!

/obvious sarcasm