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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Great games that you didn't like.

I actually have a few that fit that description.

Ocarina Of Time

Baldur's Gate
Elder Scrolls
Super Smash Bros (any of them)
Tales of Symphonia
Silent Hill 1/2
Legend of Dragoon - Although, I don't think this game is great regardless of my preference

I would also agree with TheTruthHurts with Splinter Cell and GTA, I like neither of the two. I do, however, enjoy Gran Turismo very much.

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I couldn't get into the Sonic the hedgehog game on the PS3. :/ I dunno why...


Squilliam said:
I couldn't get into the Sonic the hedgehog game on the PS3. :/ I dunno why...

Wasn't it also on the 360?

World of Warcraft. It's so boring and repetitive.
The N64 Zelda games. They were okay, but
Any NBA 2k game. I'm a LIVE fanboy


EDIT: Thx Squilliam I forgot to mention the old Sonic games

Mario (all of them)
Zeld (all of them)
Metroid Prime (all of them)
Final Fantasy (all of them)

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I finished it but I didn't find it great.

Super Mario sunshine
Super Paper Mario
GTA series

GTA in general, i don't see the point to the game.
Halo - its just a FPS.
brawl - i didn't get the hype, i bought because i heard it had a story mode by one kh developers.
but it was disappointing outside the multiplayer and online sucked, and sadly i play with my friends online

All Zelda games, expect 2. lol

Oblivion - I was just overwhelmed. I don't have that much time to devote to games.

Super Smash Bros Brawl - It feels like a bunch of button mashing to me. I'm sure I'm missing something.

Mario Kart - Too kiddy and the game is cheap (ie last place cars get the best upgrades).

The Gran Turismo series

This is a little off topic, but I've found the Wii to be disappointing. It's just not for me.

Super Paper Mario, I though it was going to be a lot like the first two, but it wasn't. it's still sitting right there in it's box unfinished.