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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - State of the Xbox nation: The "Oh NOEZ the Xbox 360 still rox 2009 edition"

Those are some really impressive numbers.
I still think PS3 will finish in second place, but hell it will be close ;)

Very good read Captain !!!

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Domicinator said:
The biggest thing I'm happy about is that I think MS has proved to me that they are behind the 360 all the way. I don't predict a premature exit for the 360 and I don't predict a lack of new titles going forward. I honestly don't care if the 360 takes 3rd place in the end. (BTW, I consider "the end" to be whenever the next gen begins, not Sony's 10 year plan.) I'm just glad that my platform of choice is viable, still selling quite well, and has a bright future.

I honestly don't care if the PS3 does or doesn't do well. It's a great console, it should do well. But honestly, I would be severely pissed right now if I was an early PS3 adopter. There are games they were promising at launch that are STILL not out. Second Li....I mean, Home is STILL not out. It took until just recently to have DualShock back in the controllers, and then Sony acted like it was some big accomplishment when they did put it back in. The list goes on.

As some of you probably know, I switched back from PC gaming in January of 08. The last console I had before that was the SNES. I didn't want to switch, but having a kid kind of makes you rethink how much money you really want to spend on PC hardware. I brought home that Xbox 360 box with the swirly green and yellow circles on it and immediately thought "What the hell am I doing?" I had buyer's remorse for the next two weeks and almost took the thing back.

10 months later, I have switched 100% to gaming on my 360. I thought I would still play things on the PC too, but so far I haven't. PC gamers say a lot of dumb things about consoles that really are not true at all. I was brain washed. The 360 changed my mind. It has all the things I liked about PC gaming (especially since there is a BF game with amazing multi player for consoles now) PLUS the fact that my friends all have them. No more playing games online with people I don't know.

QFT Buying a 360 has never given a buyers remorse to anyone I know who has bought one. Theres usally a game that interests a person and MS has never lied to us or failed with their promises unlike another company.


psrock said:
The 360 is in good shape for next year. Second place is almost secured now after this TGS disaster Sony put us through. Good Job MS.


 wtf? they did all their business at Leipzig what more do you want? what did Ms show at leipzig? now dissapear before!!

I dont tolerate any sony bashins this is your last warning psrock don't make me call out the troops!!

megaman2 said:
psrock said:
The 360 is in good shape for next year. Second place is almost secured now after this TGS disaster Sony put us through. Good Job MS.


 wtf? they did all their business at Leipzig what more do you want? what did Ms show at leipzig? now dissapear before!!

I dont tolerate any sony bashins this is your last warning psrock don't make me call out the troops!!


How about Tekken 6?? So basically ur saying its ok for SONY to lie about 9 SONY ps3 games they said, ICO, no price cut, no slim version. None of the rumours came true while MS rumous did come true as new Halo games, Tekken 6. Where were u?? Still looking the Leipzig games and what did SONY show there anyway?

CaptDS9E said:

Whoever said the 360 isn't making money hasn't paid attention. They have been in the black since mid year.

As for next year on 360 things are already looking good in the exclusive area.

Halo 3 Recon
Halo Wars
Alan Wake
Ninja Blade
Splinter Cell Conviction
Champions Online
APB (last word was it was still only 360/PC)
Mass Effect 2 (Rumored for 09)

and MS probably has a few things up their sleeves still in the first party area.

They lost money last quarter and will certainly lose money this quarter.  They will never be in the black over the life of the console.


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spidey_77 said:
megaman2 said:
psrock said:
The 360 is in good shape for next year. Second place is almost secured now after this TGS disaster Sony put us through. Good Job MS.


 wtf? they did all their business at Leipzig what more do you want? what did Ms show at leipzig? now dissapear before!!

I dont tolerate any sony bashins this is your last warning psrock don't make me call out the troops!!


How about Tekken 6?? So basically ur saying its ok for SONY to lie about 9 SONY ps3 games they said, ICO, no price cut, no slim version. None of the rumours came true while MS rumous did come true as new Halo games, Tekken 6. Where were u?? Still looking the Leipzig games and what did SONY show there anyway?


Learn something from Squilliam.  He defends the xbox honourably.

And to ask you personally a question: so because MS has confirmed rumours, they are YAY and because Sony has not or has delayed theirs, they are FOO-EY?
Weird analogy you're posting there.
In that case, I'll just create a rumour:  MS is going to buy Sony.  If they don't do this: FOO-EY?

whatever said:
CaptDS9E said:

Whoever said the 360 isn't making money hasn't paid attention. They have been in the black since mid year.

As for next year on 360 things are already looking good in the exclusive area.

Halo 3 Recon
Halo Wars
Alan Wake
Ninja Blade
Splinter Cell Conviction
Champions Online
APB (last word was it was still only 360/PC)
Mass Effect 2 (Rumored for 09)

and MS probably has a few things up their sleeves still in the first party area.

They lost money last quarter and will certainly lose money this quarter. They will never be in the black over the life of the console.

Wrong. The 360 makes money, but since it's in the same division with the Zune in Microsoft's report you don't see it at first sight.


I believe that this year will be 360s peak year, tho of course this is mostly all guess work right now. Whilst the list of games given by CaptD is impressive i believe that both nintendo and sony have bigger lists for 2009 so far in terms of first party (not sure about sony). Microsoft will of course have more games to announce but then again so wil the others. Sony has said they will announce several blockbusters early next year. for nintendo i dont think we have their Q1 2009 lineup yet. none of their 9 games announced at their conference were internally developed

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


woopah said:
I believe that this year will be 360s peak year, tho of course this is mostly all guess work right now. Whilst the list of games given by CaptD is impressive i believe that both nintendo and sony have bigger lists for 2009 so far in terms of first party (not sure about sony). Microsoft will of course have more games to announce but then again so wil the others. Sony has said they will announce several blockbusters early next year. for nintendo i dont think we have their Q1 2009 lineup yet. none of their 9 games announced at their conference were internally developed


Yeah, and much like the "year of the PS3" and "PS3 will overtake the 360 in....." predictions, this comment could literally be copy and pasted into last year's posts.  At the end of the 2007 holidays everyone was saying that 2007 was definitely 360's peak year and that 2008 would be the year of the PS3.  It wasn't.

My point is that we just don't know.  Unless you work for MS, Sony, or Nintendo, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.  They all three have future games and plans under wraps.  It's the things that we have no idea about that will decide the future of this gen.    Sure it's fine to speculate and make guesses; that's what this site is all about.  But gamers themselves are hardly marketing experts or experienced business people.  There are very few posters on this site who have even an elementary idea of the way business works.  You can see them a mile away.  They're the people who post demands for a $100 PS3 price cut NOW and claim that Sony will lose the "war" unless this happens. 

The console war is a fictitious war that is fought in web forums.  There will never be a winner.  Know why?  Because nobody will ever agree on what the criteria even are to "win" the war.  Game sales?  Hardware sales?  Attach rate?  Longevity?  You could spin it a zillion different ways and make it look like your console of choice won.  For example, lately the PS3 fanboys are clinging to this ridiculous idea of the "10 year plan". 

I try to stick to this to keep my sanity:  I love my 360, MS is showing no signs of abandoning it, the public is showing no signs of abandoning it, therefore I feel NO need to go buy a PS3.

woopah said:
I believe that this year will be 360s peak year, tho of course this is mostly all guess work right now. Whilst the list of games given by CaptD is impressive i believe that both nintendo and sony have bigger lists for 2009 so far in terms of first party (not sure about sony). Microsoft will of course have more games to announce but then again so wil the others. Sony has said they will announce several blockbusters early next year. for nintendo i dont think we have their Q1 2009 lineup yet. none of their 9 games announced at their conference were internally developed

Exclusives are great and all that junk, but really they don't matter so much as long as there are enough excellent multiplat games coming out. For example - where would the PS3 be without COD IV? Without out it, their current exclusive shooters - Socom, Resistance 2, Killzone 2 would probably be meaningless as the Xbox 360 would have cornered the shooter market completely. Heck you could see it when people listed the games to buy for the PS3 last year, COD IV was front and centre and always in the top 5.


