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woopah said:
I believe that this year will be 360s peak year, tho of course this is mostly all guess work right now. Whilst the list of games given by CaptD is impressive i believe that both nintendo and sony have bigger lists for 2009 so far in terms of first party (not sure about sony). Microsoft will of course have more games to announce but then again so wil the others. Sony has said they will announce several blockbusters early next year. for nintendo i dont think we have their Q1 2009 lineup yet. none of their 9 games announced at their conference were internally developed

Exclusives are great and all that junk, but really they don't matter so much as long as there are enough excellent multiplat games coming out. For example - where would the PS3 be without COD IV? Without out it, their current exclusive shooters - Socom, Resistance 2, Killzone 2 would probably be meaningless as the Xbox 360 would have cornered the shooter market completely. Heck you could see it when people listed the games to buy for the PS3 last year, COD IV was front and centre and always in the top 5.


