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Forums - General Discussion - How many would answer the call for a US draft?

vlad321 said:
rocketpig said:
vlad321 said:

So you really think somehow they won't spin it so thatyour community is a bunch of seccesionists? Do you give your government so little confidence? Before you know it you will be labeled as terrorists or some other such crap. It's worked great so far in US history so I doubt it won't happen again. You are talking about you taking up guns against your government here. They just have to say "Signs of the civil war" and no one will give a shit about your communities because even the most redneck person knows what happened last time there were people going against the government.

Ah, yes, I forgot about all those times the government sent in American soldiers to kill American citizens in America...

Wait, what?


We all saw what happened the last time people went against the government, they even made their own army. I believe that's also when Atlanta was burned to the ground, among other things.

So now you're resorting to Civil War references to back up your point.

I'm not quite sure what an armed populace has to do with state governments seceding, but whatever. The Civil War wasn't "people going against the government", it was "the seceded government going against the old government".

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rocketpig said:
bigjon said:
bunch of pussys... lol, I kid

But it would be very unpatriotic to dodge a draft, but I am glad people do dodge the draft. If someone is too weak too be willing to serve, there is no way in hell I want they within a grenades throw of my foxhole.

LOL. It takes just as much strength to stand up and go to jail because you disagree with something so strongly as it does to follow along with what someone else tells you, even if the ultimate payoff might be death.



exactly right Rocket, he's making the mistake of mixing up a person being too cowardly to die for their country and having a moral objection to the war they are being drafted for.


bigjon said:
bunch of pussys... lol, I kid

But it would be very unpatriotic to dodge a draft, but I am glad people do dodge the draft. If someone is too weak too be willing to serve, there is no way in hell I want they within a grenades throw of my foxhole.

How ironic, since one of the largest group of draft dodgers came from Harvard and places just like it.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
bigjon said:
bunch of pussys... lol, I kid

But it would be very unpatriotic to dodge a draft, but I am glad people do dodge the draft. If someone is too weak too be willing to serve, there is no way in hell I want they within a grenades throw of my foxhole.

How ironic, since one of the largest group of draft dodgers came from Harvard and places just like it.

How ironic, since one of the the largest group of people who wouldn't see the irony in that work in retail management.

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Dying for one's country is pretty stupid in my view. I'd die for my family, I'd die for my girlfriend, MAYBE for some of my friends... For my country, no thanks.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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NJ5 said:

Dying for one's country is pretty stupid in my view. I'd die for my family, I'd die for my girlfriend, MAYBE for some of my friends... For my country, no thanks.

LOL, dude, the terrorists are teh ones that die for their country, we KILL for our country. History has shown that strategy to work significantly better.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Grey Acumen said:
NJ5 said:

Dying for one's country is pretty stupid in my view. I'd die for my family, I'd die for my girlfriend, MAYBE for some of my friends... For my country, no thanks.

LOL, dude, the terrorists are teh ones that die for their country, we KILL for our country. History has shown that strategy to work significantly better.

LOL, nice one.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

T depends, if my family were to die in a car crash and I had nothing left then yes, but I love my wife and my daughter and know I could never give enough of my self to the military to be anything more then a bullet shield and that would rob my family of more then it would give to my country

But like I sad if they were not here I would have nothing left but the military and I would devote my self to that like it were a religion


rocketpig said:
vlad321 said:
rocketpig said:
vlad321 said:

So you really think somehow they won't spin it so thatyour community is a bunch of seccesionists? Do you give your government so little confidence? Before you know it you will be labeled as terrorists or some other such crap. It's worked great so far in US history so I doubt it won't happen again. You are talking about you taking up guns against your government here. They just have to say "Signs of the civil war" and no one will give a shit about your communities because even the most redneck person knows what happened last time there were people going against the government.

Ah, yes, I forgot about all those times the government sent in American soldiers to kill American citizens in America...

Wait, what?


We all saw what happened the last time people went against the government, they even made their own army. I believe that's also when Atlanta was burned to the ground, among other things.

So now you're resorting to Civil War references to back up your point.

I'm not quite sure what an armed populace has to do with state governments seceding, but whatever. The Civil War wasn't "people going against the government", it was "the seceded government going against the old government".


The whole argument for guns is what happens when the current government decides to do smoething horrible that many people find unacceptable.  Even though the slave issue was one of the most minor causes, the masses only knew of this and rose up against the government, resulting in  the governments seceding from the federal government. The reason given for having guns is in case something gets passed that's as unappealing as the whole slave thing was back then to the southerners, at least the powerful ones, and we all know know what happened back then. Of course I'm gonna bring up the Civil War, why does history exist in the first place?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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bigjon said:
bunch of pussys... lol, I kid

But it would be very unpatriotic to dodge a draft, but I am glad people do dodge the draft. If someone is too weak too be willing to serve, there is no way in hell I want they within a grenades throw of my foxhole.

Dissent is patriotic.  Letting your government know they're ass-backwards is patriotic.  Fighting any war they want you to is blind nationalism and is very dangerous.  It's like Captain America said, (I'm paraphrasing here) "I don't work for the American government.  I work for the American dream."