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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Nazna's 360 Impressions

So I've had the 360 for a few days now.  Figured I'd do the same as I did with my PS3 and give some impressions:

Setup: No trouble at all.  Plugged in the HDMI and the power and I was good to go.  Took a few minutes to get through basic setup stuff.  I do think it is a bit confusing though.  They don't really explain that creating a profile won't let you use that profile with XBL, and you need to have an XBL profile separate from the regular one.  So I ended up with two... still can't figure out how to delete the old one.  Overall it was very quick to set up though, and I was playign games within 15 minutes of opening the box.

Interface:  I hate the blades.  I really don't like these things.  I'm also very confused by the profiles.  I can't figure out how to delete my offline profile that I made before realizing I could retrieve my old forums live profile.  On the other hand, the way the in-game interface works is much better than the in-game XMB on PS3.  It's not nearly as intrusive, and can be done easier with less hassle.  I like that I can play music off it so easily as well.  Overall I'm alright with it, but the NXE needs to come out soon. 

XBLA Store:  Basically identical to the PSN Store in any functional way.  It works, and that's all it needs to do.  I do wish they would just list things in cash instead of in stupid points though (this goes for you too Nintendo, although Wii points are easier to translate).

Controller:  I've said it in the past, but the 360 controller is the best standard gamepad ever made in my opinion (unless it's for a game best played with a d-pad).  However, for some stupid reason when I bump the battery pack on that wireless controller it randomly disconnects.  This happens frequently, and is annoying. I hope it's just with this controller.  I have a wired controller that I'm using most of the time instead right now (had it for my PC). 

Games:  I bought LO with the system.  It's a fun RPG that takes no chances.  Pretty solid all around.  Somewhere around FFX in quality (that may be a high compliment to some of you but it's not really to me).  Bought Blue Dragon and Kameo later.  Blue Dragon is IMO much better than LO, and although not to the quality of DQVIII somewhere around the quality of DQVII.  A very good RPG.  Kameo so far is not worth the $8 I paid for it. The system also came with 5 XBLA games and Sega Superstars Tennis (WTF?) none of which I have even touched.

Overall I'm very satisfied with my purchase.  I'm sure I will be much more once I get my hard drive in the mail and get into some of my more anticipated XBLA games. Even thinking I'll probably buy Nuts & Bolts after the TGS walkthrough. I'm happy to have completed my system collection this generation, and I look forward to getting a lot of fun out of all 3 of my platforms throughout the remainder of this generation.

Hope you guys liked my impressions... obviously this will be the last one unless someone releases a new console soon.  I try to be honest and straightforward.  If you wish to add me as a friend on any of the systems I own or on Steam all my IDs and Codes are in my profile, which is also up to date on the games I own for the modern consoles.  Game suggestions are always appreciated.

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naznatips said:

I can't figure out how to delete my offline profile that I made before realizing I could retrieve my old forums live profile.

Have to go to memory in the system blade and pick your hard drive. From there you can delete it.


Did it come with Geometry Wars?

Eventually. I don't buy games at full price. I wait till they are $40 or less on Half or at a local shop I go to called Disc Replay. There are a couple exceptions for games I'm heavily anticipating like Valkyria Chronicles, LBP, and Fable 2, but Tales of Vesperia is not one of those.

Sega Dreamcast 2 impressions coming next. =D

Also get Beautiful Katamari

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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Great Impression.

But which do you prefer more, the 360 or PS3?

naznatips said:
Eventually. I don't buy games at full price. I wait till they are $40 or less on Half or at a local shop I go to called Disc Replay. There are a couple exceptions for games I'm heavily anticipating like Valkyria Chronicles, LBP, and Fable 2, but Tales of Vesperia is not one of those.


Good man.  Mainly for the VC anticipation, but hey LBP is good too so I'll throw it in there.  I didn't commend you on the dedication to Fable 2.  But I'm sure Starcraft will be around at some point.


Lemme recommend Tales of Vesperia when it drops to what you consider a reasonable rate. Really top notch jrpg, imo. I'm not a big fan of LO, and I know you a computer gamer, so I figured you played ME, and Bioshock. Check out Dead Rising, Crackdown, and ToV if you're looking for some fun exclusives.

As for me, my 360 single red marked of death, so I should have it back just in time for Fable 2 and Fallout 3, both preordered.

Also, imo, ToV is better than LO, and one of the best games on the console, period. This is coming from an anime/jrpg lover, and believe me, I'm not embellishing.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


That controller is defective if bumping the battery causes it to disconnect. The battery should snap in with a nice firm click. Get thee to the retailer where you purchased it or contact MS support to get it replaced.

I was fairly certain I was eventually able to add my first, non-XBL profile to XBL after the fact, but it's been over two years so perhaps I'm misremembering.

Sephiroth357 said:
Great Impression.

But which do you prefer more, the 360 or PS3?


Wii.  Joking (sorta).  I like all my consoles, and despite many people's claims of the 2 HD consoles offering the same things, I get different experiences from all of them.  At the moment the 360 is probably my least favorite, but that's not really fair to say since I haven't had time to buy enough games for it for it to possibly compete with the other two.  I've already played it more than I played my original Xbox.