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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict sales of th PS3 on LBP week and state why.

Tyrannical said:
Doesn't it release in JP a week after it's NA launch?

That's the reason why I predicted a first week quite low. It must be said that, for example, spread price drop dates just gave XB360 maybe a lower initial spike, but a longer lasting momentum. 2nd and 3rd week or even later could have higher sales, XB360 had two maxima in 2nd and 4th week after first region price drop, when other regions added their effect, indeed.

Adding different weeks for different regions together to obtain a "virtual 1st week" isn't totally correct in this case IMVHO, as if the game is very good, successive launches are helped by the first, otherwise they could be crippled by bad word-of-mouth ad.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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Torillian said:

well even if you didn't, my theory on how to change the meaning would work fine and noone has to change their numbers to accommodate the different launch dates.

I totally agree, and actually MS 2 is coming out that week in America (with LBP JP) so they will have another boost there

Man, it's crazy on lobsided LBP will be in Japan. It will either be a big hit or a big flop. I don't see much middle ground.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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PAL: 90k
USA: 80k
JAP: 20k

NA 450k
JA 50 k
others 500 k

hardware ww 200k

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MontanaHatchet said:
selnor said:

WW PS3 = 148,000
360 = 203,000
Wii = 400,000

All on LBP week.

I missed the part where he asked about the sales of the other systems. Don't troll.

Anyways, here are my predictions:

Americas: 72k

PAL: 108k

Japan: 20k

200k worldwide

See? It's nice and rounded.


Sorry I wasnt meaning to troll. At the time I had 4 tabs open doing 4 different forums. It wasnt intentional. I never slagged any console off. Just posted figures which I think are realistic. But yes I have read the OP again and realised the thread is about PS3 only. My bad.