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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's 14 new games at TGS

I wonder if the Nintendo strategy of not releasing much information until you are closer to release has begun to spread.

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@ nitekrawler

nintendo really wont use that rule much, i think only for games developed internally. The 9(i think) wii games announced at their conference are all being developed by third partys

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


i seriously would like to know WTF is SONY doing... did they ran out of stuff to show and wow us a bit or did they really think that their brand name will protect them till next year...

Their PR machine is like sleeping with the TGS, their best chance to wow us being such an underwhelming event for sony...

Where's the future... the unannounced games and etc... or isit because SONY have ran out of budget this year for promotions...

Are the game conferences happening anytime soon? Am not talking about the Business conferences btw. And I thought TGS wasn't happening until the 19th... or is that when the game announcements coming or something... am confused....

4 ≈ One

Yeah so here's the deal:

They were "unannounced for appearing at the TGS" but not unannouced before..."

* White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
* Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec III (PS3)
* Killzone 2 (PS3)
* Demon's Souls (PS3)
* Yakuza 3 (PS3)
* Winning Eleven 2009 (PS3)
* Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (PS3)
* Metal Gear Online (PS3)
* Quantum Theory (PS3)
* Nobi Nobi Boy (PS3)
* Spelunker (PS3)


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Sony makes me sad.

HideoK said:

Yeah so here's the deal:

They were "unannounced for appearing at the TGS" but not unannouced before..."

* White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
* Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Spec III (PS3)
* Killzone 2 (PS3)
* Demon's Souls (PS3)
* Yakuza 3 (PS3)
* Winning Eleven 2009 (PS3)
* Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (PS3)
* Metal Gear Online (PS3)
* Quantum Theory (PS3)
* Nobi Nobi Boy (PS3)
* Spelunker (PS3)



 more than the half of the games are old .... sony cheat us again & will keep cheating us.

I think their new strategy is to finish developing games and show them a year within release time over showing games still in development with a release of 2 years+ in development. (FFXIII hint hint)