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Forums - Website Topics - Signatures / images - designers wanted!!

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Any suggestions on what banners to make? ...I would prefer making PS3 games, but Nintendo games are ok too.


Ratchet and Clank ones

maybe some CoD ones as well


HEre is that Ratchet one.


Another easy one.


Around the Network

ANimal Crossing, didn't find enough good pictures.


May I suggest Shadow of the Colossus for the next one? I know a lot of people would want it

Here..Shadow of the Colossus, ummm...this is the only pic that could fit of "him"


Wow, you really are a banner-making machine, I'm seriously considering bombarding you left and right with all the games I'd like to see bannered

Name any other games then, I'll try to make them within a few days.[or less]
