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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If it weren't for Wii, I wouldn't own a console this gen.

I'm joking dib8rman.

1. 9% of what exactly?

2. How do you omit stuff in a search!?!!!?

3. You can't say no handhelds dude thats reaching a little bit.

4. Who's to say that without the Wii, all those owners would not buy a ps3 or 360....? that is stepping a little bit too far out on the ledge.

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When they count pron industry growth, do they include all of the free sites online? I would imagine that those are cutting hugely into the "pay to play" porn industry. (Yes I just made that silly description up.)

Anyways, I really enjoy the Wii, but I also enjoy what the HD consoles have to offer. While I don't have either of those consoles, I sometimes play the 360 at my friend's house. Most of the games we play are xbox live games though. I also recently got to play Gears of War 2 (the horde mode) and it was alright... it wasn't that great, but then again that's just a tiny speck of wh

ok wfz lol then i won't compare it to the porn industry. what's the argument now? lol

ps: you could've been a little more interesting with your choice of vocabulary. "pay to spray" or "pay to (pretend) lay" flay, J, yay.....

I'm just the guy that got a Wii because I liked Mario platformer games.

Garamond said:
I'm just the guy that got a Wii because I liked Mario platformer games.

lol, aren't we all :D


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I'm no PC gamer, but I'm with you, if it weren't for Nintendo probably I wouldn't had bought a console/handheld this gen. It's not that HD gaming is boring, but it's not too different from previous generations and I was loosing interest in gaming since the last generation.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

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hehe "dont include portables" rofl
that's 4 times what the charts would be without the wii (assuming that current wii owners wouldn't have bought even the ps3 or 360.
Of course you can say the industry was shriking It would be less than a fourth of the size with those restrictions hehe

Not me... On the contrary I play more games on various platforms than any other gen! There's just so many games coming out that I want to play and little money/ not enough time.

Also, I'm not exactly an old gamer but I'm not new either (been gaming since SNES).

Everyone has their preference. I would have stuck to pc gaming if the wii was the only console available. But again that's just my preference. In any case the more variety we have when it comes to consoles the better. Wii caters to a certain audience and the HD consoles cater to a different audience which is good because it expands the market.

Edit- BTW you seem to have a grudge against the HD consoles and most of your topics are anti Sony/MS. If you don't like the HD consoles then don't play them simple. You seem to like platformers so why don't you give a game like Ratchet and clank a go and see if you enjoy it.



"I", indeed is the correct pronoun to use.