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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games that you enjoyed despite thinking they will suck before purchase

do anyone has a coment about haze?

F.U. Fun University.

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I don't buy games unless I know I'll like them, because money is something I like to have enough of.

bioshock- not that i thought it would suck but that it wasn't my kind of game...bioshock is now on my top 20 favorite games of all time list

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

BringBackChrono said:
you're one pessimist of a guy if you felt Chaos Theory was gonna suck. Hated the earlier two Splinter Cells?


I hated the demos, i had played, the demos never did this game justice ....

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I've never bought a game I thought was going to suck....that's a strange concept to me. :P

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I'd love to say Eternal Sonata, but it hasn't been released for PS3. I think it's gonna suck, but I know I'll love it. XD

For real this time:

Devil May Cry - I'd gotten bored with the button-masher genre a while ago. Then my friend lent it to me, and I got hooked onto it. It's not a mind-blowing game, but it was pretty fun.  Bought Devil May Cry 4, figuring that it would be pretty mediocre in comparison; but it was fun too.

MGS4 - My friend would never shut up about how great this franchise was. It got some mad reviews, but I still never believed it. Then I decided to pick it up cause PS3 had nothing else to offer. Stealth was never really my kind of thing. And it still isn't. But MGS4 was a blast.

Final Fantasy X - I tended to stay away from Final Fantasy because the characters looked weird and I thought I'd get freaked out too much. Also cause I heard that RPGs had a thing for sappy love stories. Turns out RPGs would become my favorite genre and that I value these lame love stories a lot.

Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, League of Legends

wfz said:
I've never bought a game I thought was going to suck....that's a strange concept to me. :P

I believe you are missing the lets say you played Batle arena toshinden, tekken...etc...and hated them(like I did).

And then Soul Edge came out. Sure it looked cool, but it was another 3D you still wanted to try it out but you approached it with scepticism. (like i did)

And the game turned out to be awesome and right up your alley...and you have played every "Soul" fighting game since. (like i did)



Now that I think of it, I really had no expectations for Wind Waker when I bought it. I finally got it a year after it's release when one of my friends finally convinced me, and although I wasn't really into the idea, I got it anyways since I love the earlier zelda games. It ended up being one of my favorites.

Suikoden II. It was Christmas, and I wanted Diablo for PSX (don't ask me why I did, because I don't usually like WRPGs, but I wanted that game, man, I was crazy), my father went to buy it, the guy didn't have it, so he said (I wasn't there, so I'm recalling what dad said) "Why don't you give him this game, he'll like it", so my father bought Suikoden II. I wasn't very happy, I remember me saying "I wanted Diablo", but then I tried the game, not even knowing what the hell was it about, and thinking it was gonna be horrible, plus the name was strange and it didn't tell me anything. And I found myself playing the best game ever made.