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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dead Rising Wii is a terrible, terrible idea (Final Build)

Well, now at least I can not buy the game and not have to worry about failing to support a serious developer effort. They clearly stopped trying at some point.

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Millennium said:
Well, now at least I can not buy the game and not have to worry about failing to support a serious developer effort. They clearly stopped trying at some point.

I guess the developers at Capcom saw the limitations and said the hell with it. Lets just leave it like that Wii owners will probably still buy it.


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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

melbye said:
This is what happens when they make a game with a team of 10 people and minimal budget, that's why this game sucks


What this guy said.  All other excuses are invalid.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Dallinor said:
We'll see when sales figures come in how "terrible" the idea was.


 Anyway they are always gonna spin the sales figures.

If it sells bad =>  Yeah 3d Party don't sell on the Wii
It it sells good => Yeah crap sells well on the Wii;..


konnichiwa said:
Dallinor said:
We'll see when sales figures come in how "terrible" the idea was.


 Anyway they are always gonna spin the sales figures.

If it sells bad =>  Yeah 3d Party don't sell on the Wii
It it sells good => Yeah crap sells well on the Wii;..



I'm going with that one. The core gamers who are starving for games will buy it. Casual gamers will buy it as just another Wii title and won't care if it sucks.

Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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I want to see someone else besides Kotaku -- which has not always been Wii-friendly -- comment on this game. If you read what is said, is says to me that the author's basic premise is that the game is not worth playing because it doesn't have a Dynasty Warrior level of zombies on screen.

Nevertheless, it does appear that this could be a "good idea gone bad" situation.

Time, refinement, and reviews will tell. It might be a bargain basement pickup now instead of a Day 1 purchase for me.

Also, this shows the difference between ports and builds (Mushroom Men).

Mike from Morgantown


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And it's still not definitive that this game is gonna suck. I mean ok this report sounds quite negative but theres still work in progress so maybe they'll fix some of this stuff before release. It's just one opinion, i'll wait for the first reviews before i make my decision.

I am starting to think when they decided to make the game the conversation went something like this

"so which game can we port to the wii in a horrid fashion so that it bad sales can justify us no spending on the wii, this time it needs to be a current gen game that has already done well"
"well sir there is dead rising, since we no longer wish to develop this series. we thought it would fail on the 360. if the wii version fails, it shows there is no demand for the game, and we can can it"
"ah very good, then its decided, evelop the wii game so it has motion controls, take out what ever was fun in the game and add something, so it will sell enough to cover costs then launch it without play testing it"

come play minecraft @

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XGamer0611 said:
konnichiwa said:
Dallinor said:
We'll see when sales figures come in how "terrible" the idea was.


 Anyway they are always gonna spin the sales figures.

If it sells bad =>  Yeah 3d Party don't sell on the Wii
It it sells good => Yeah crap sells well on the Wii;..



I'm going with that one. The core gamers who are starving for games will buy it. Casual gamers will buy it as just another Wii title and won't care if it sucks.

this game is coming out around same time as the conduit and madworld, the core gamer will not buy it if it sucks since there are other good games coming at that time.


Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

This game may sell, but not due to its merrit. It is a highly gimped port that suffers in the visuals as they attempt to force it to a platform it wasn't designed for.

I would have much prefered the resources go to a new franchise or entry in a franchise designed from the ground up for Wii, or if they must do a port, port RE5, for christ sake.

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