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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Terrible!!! US economic recession also affecting TGS

Simulacrum said:
Square Enix has only OK girl.
But OMG for all others.


 lulz i agree offence to the rest of course, not evenone is born a princess... o.O

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Phrancheyez said:
I wouldn't blame that on the US economy, big boy. Almost the whole planet is going through some kind of economic downfall, including Japan from what I'm hearing.


heh, we are taking you with us, it does seem kind of strange though, is proping up the dollar, its already at yearly highs against the canadian dollar, the aussie dollar and the euro (at the rate its going by the end of the year they may be equal)  just this week the dollar has gained .05 cents on the euro. the yen, seems to be the only unit holding steady 

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TGS booth babes make me miss E3 booth babes all over again....

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