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Forums - General Discussion - Somebody watched the last South Park episode?


It was funny at first but then it just got boring X_X.

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I was going to watch it but I forgot about it.

I turned it off after Kyle said someone got raped. I figured it was just going to be a bad one after that.

The rape part was funny when you realize what got raped....But they overdo it in this episode...

The ending was a bit anti-climactic but Cartman in PC Chang and once you realise who got raped and the traumatic effect it cause, it became hilarious.

I'd rate it an 7.5 out of 10

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Pretty good episode, sure it wasn't any "Cartman makes some kid eat his parents" but it was still pretty good.


I'm a huge South Park fan, but I sat through that whole episode kinda stone faced. It relied on shock value, and it was really a one joke affair.....and the joke wasn't that funny. I picked up on the "rape movie" references, but I think the whole episode fell flat.

It was kinda funny at first, once you realize they're talking about Indiana Jones, but then it was boring, and the whole Cartman story was kinda thrown on top.

Probably would have been funnier if they made fun of stupid stuff from the movie instead of just showing Indy get raped, but of course that was the premise.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

If you like gay rape and unrealistic plotlines and incorrect statistics with no basis for hilarity (China has 2 billion people?) then you'll love this episode. For the most part, it was mediocre. The few funny jokes were repeated until they weren't funny.

With Futurama not getting new episodes, Family Guy becoming too shitty for words, American Dad running out of script ideas, and the boring, use-the-same-cliches-every-episode piece of crap that South Park has become, I'll be playing a lot more videogames.



I think that south park was good, but I love butters and Cartman, especially the episodes where they work together lol