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Forums - Sony Discussion - Has Sony failed at TGS like they failed at E3.?

no earth shattering news from them... rather not even some mild tremor...

atleast MS has announced yet another Sony exclusive becoming multi... and they gave some sweetners with few Halo games.... but so far nothing of Tekken level news from Sony...

and nobody knows when their conference is going to be held or even if they r going to held it or not... look like Sony has lost its touch....

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Apparently there will be 2 more Sony conferences.

Rumor is Sony's conference is tomorrow during the Level 5 vs Sony WKC session. Guess we will have to wait and see what is install tomorrow.

It's starting to get disastrous

be patient, dont jump into the conclusion too fast. check the infos, Sony's real news announcement conference is not started yet.

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I don't think they really failed at E3 announcing GoW3 and MAG, while MS announced rip offs and exclusive steal.

Other then Halo, MS has made no big announcements. MS can't win every show my claiming another Sony known game a multi plat game- it is expected now. So they had Halo and Tekken 6, it's not all so great other then a lot of fanboys will cry and laugh.

I'm sure Sony has something up their sleeve and hopefully it will be new games or more footage of games we haven't seen then them taking an exclusive from another party.

Excitement for me comes from new idea's not regurgitated ones (although sometimes you have to make exceptions).

Asmo said:
I don't think they really failed at E3 announcing GoW3 and MAG, while MS announced rip offs and exclusive steal.



Be ready just in case Sony decides to make you pay for M.A.G. MS took a 3rd party game. Say it with me Thhhhhhhiiiiiirrrrrddd party. 3rd party=Most likely no loyalty and will make games for either the highest bidder or the best install base prospect.

Well If you think about it. MS is still thinking last gen. Sony this creating new gen games, new ip's and franchises. Maybe it's time to get new talent. M$ is doing nothing new. Sony is doing what it does best - solid games.

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9 new unannounced games for ps3 we know a few of them coz of famitsu leaks. i cnt wait 2 c wat they are. 9 new games > halo expansion + tekken multiplat.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

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