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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tekken 6. Is no longer a exclusive

ZenfoldorVGI said:
ahcheng said:
you are right, ps3 is doomed!!


I'm not speaking on the PS3 as much as I am the Sony brand, and I'm not saying they are doomed, but instead, they should start moneyhatting, and supporting 3rd parties, because Microsoft sure as hell will. Short term profit is important, but you have to find the balance between cashing in on loyalty, and boulstering that loyalty with fanservice. Losing long term playstation exclusives might have made sense financially over the next 6 months, but in 6 years, you can betcha that Sony will wish they shelled out that short term profit and keep that franchise as a presumptive playstation exclusive.

It's called short term thinking. It's dangerous when all of your competition is in for the long con.

Sony seems to be copying nintendo's system. Nintendo hasn't moneyhatted anyone  and yet have come out on top by a long shot with nothing but their own efforts. You have to agree that the most reliable business plan is to be self-sustained. If sony can develop IPs like mario and zelda then PS will always have customers...I think thats their plan. That way, success is guaranteed without having to throw extra money left and right competing with a company that has waaay more funds.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
ahcheng said:
you are right, ps3 is doomed!!


I'm not speaking on the PS3 as much as I am the Sony brand, and I'm not saying they are doomed, but instead, they should start moneyhatting, and supporting 3rd parties, because Microsoft sure as hell will. Short term profit is important, but you have to find the balance between cashing in on loyalty, and boulstering that loyalty with fanservice. Losing long term playstation exclusives might have made sense financially over the next 6 months, but in 6 years, you can betcha that Sony will wish they shelled out that short term profit and keep that franchise as a presumptive playstation exclusive.

It's called short term thinking. It's dangerous when all of your competition is in for the long con.


No, I think they have the right mindset. They need to focus on creating a stellar lineup of first and second party titles that can't be found anywhere else. They just hedged their bets in all the wrong places so far (Haze, Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc.). Basically, they need a Halo or a Mario/Zelda. They just don't have one right now. They have been heavily reliant on third parties to this point. The only title that matches Halo (and now Gears) or Mario/Zelda in terms of sales is GT, but I really doubt that GT5 will be a factor in this console generation (in terms of affecting sales). Microsoft also made a smart bet by releasing the XBox360 so quickly after the XBox.

Pristine20 said:

haha, you really think M$ will be focusing on sony again next-gen? you do realize that that is one of the reasons nintendo pwned this gen right?



Maybe they will, maybe they won't. If they do, what do you think the outcome of that battle will be Pristine? You think Sony can do what they did this gen, and still win, without the Blu-Ray and presumptive exclusive advantage? Microsoft's problems are more technical. Sony's problems begin in their strategy room, assuming they even have one.

To answer your question, yeah, I doubt MS will focus, or even divert many core resources to the casual market next gen. Not enough to be noticable, anyway. They have been building a brand for 2 generations at great expense, and they won't abandon that. Instead, I believe they will make it their goal of firmly over-taking the core market, and boulstering the Xbox brand name as the core console to buy, while dabbling in the casual market as they are doing now. Once that has occoured, if indeed they are successful, casual gaming will become a new target market for the Xbox brand. Neither, Sony, nor Microsoft, are ever gonna divert more resources to the casual market than the core market, as Nintendo has done. That's my take on it.

If you have a take, I'd be glad to hear it. It would contribute more here than your pointless questions.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Pristine20 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
ahcheng said:
you are right, ps3 is doomed!!


I'm not speaking on the PS3 as much as I am the Sony brand, and I'm not saying they are doomed, but instead, they should start moneyhatting, and supporting 3rd parties, because Microsoft sure as hell will. Short term profit is important, but you have to find the balance between cashing in on loyalty, and boulstering that loyalty with fanservice. Losing long term playstation exclusives might have made sense financially over the next 6 months, but in 6 years, you can betcha that Sony will wish they shelled out that short term profit and keep that franchise as a presumptive playstation exclusive.

It's called short term thinking. It's dangerous when all of your competition is in for the long con.

Sony seems to be copying nintendo's system. Nintendo hasn't moneyhatted anyone  and yet have come out on top by a long shot with nothing but their own efforts. You have to agree that the most reliable business plan is to be self-sustained. If sony can develop IPs like mario and zelda then PS will always have customers...I think thats their plan. That way, success is guaranteed without having to throw extra money left and right competing with a company that has waaay more funds.


This is because Nintendo changed strategies. Sony is following the Gamecube strategy right now. A core console, that can support itself with 1st party exclusive games, and 3rd party multiplats.

The Wii has been so successful simply due to its appeal to the casual market. An appeal the PS3 can't share.

Thus, the main strategic advantage Sony holds this gen is the sales of the console as a Blu-Ray player. Sony will lose that advantage next generation. If they still follow the Gamecube strategy, Microsoft will likely take advantage, by snatching up key 3rd party games.

The Gamecube would also, always have customers. You have to be careful about modeling your consumer strategy after a failed console.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


thats so good, but not care me beacause today a finally buy a PS3 wih the metal gear solid 4, but i still prefer the 360 for the archivements (logros en español) or whatever its calls

100% Mexican Power

Around the Network

On the OP, yeah, I'm really glad when any game goes multiplat. The more people that can play a good game, the better. I'm a fan of gamers before any company, and all games being multiplat would be a great day, imo.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Pristine20 said:
trestres said:
Wow, looks like MS really wants to screw Sony this gen. And they are doing a good job at stealing exclusives/moneyhatting.

namco has made all their games multiplat of timed 360-exclusives this gen with respect to HD consoles. Was there anyone who didn't see this coming lol.


I tried to make that exact point in another topic recently about Tekken 6. I even named off all the games that went to 360. There was and always will be people that refuse to see the writing on the wall.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Pristine20 said:

haha, you really think M$ will be focusing on sony again next-gen? you do realize that that is one of the reasons nintendo pwned this gen right?



Maybe they will, maybe they won't. If they do, what do you think the outcome of that battle will be Pristine? You think Sony can do what they did this gen, and still win, without the Blu-Ray and presumptive exclusive advantage? Microsoft's problems are more technical. Sony's problems begin in their strategy room, assuming they even have one.

To answer your question, yeah, I doubt MS will focus, or even divert many core resources to the casual market next gen. Not enough to be noticable, anyway. They have been building a brand for 2 generations at great expense, and they won't abandon that. Instead, I believe they will make it their goal of firmly over-taking the core market, and boulstering the Xbox brand name as the core console to buy, while dabbling in the casual market as they are doing now. Once that has occoured, if indeed they are successful, casual gaming will become a new target market for the Xbox brand. Neither, Sony, nor Microsoft, are ever gonna divert more resources to the casual market than the core market, as Nintendo has done. That's my take on it.

If you have a take, I'd be glad to hear it. It would contribute more here than your pointless questions.

The questions aren't pointless. M$ WANTS TO WIN A GENERATION so I think that they'll be playing both hardcore and casual next-gen along with a cheaper price. Focusing on the hardcore only grants nintendo another free victory unchalleged except apple steps in. M$ took the whole 3rd party exclusive route this gen because they were copying the PS model for success. However a new model has been introduced by nintendo and they'll most likely be looking to counter that as well. As for sony, they'll have their hands full rebuilding their brand and trying to reestablish themselves by focusing on in-house development because a money-hat competition with M$ is suicide.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Pristine20 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
ahcheng said:
you are right, ps3 is doomed!!


I'm not speaking on the PS3 as much as I am the Sony brand, and I'm not saying they are doomed, but instead, they should start moneyhatting, and supporting 3rd parties, because Microsoft sure as hell will. Short term profit is important, but you have to find the balance between cashing in on loyalty, and boulstering that loyalty with fanservice. Losing long term playstation exclusives might have made sense financially over the next 6 months, but in 6 years, you can betcha that Sony will wish they shelled out that short term profit and keep that franchise as a presumptive playstation exclusive.

It's called short term thinking. It's dangerous when all of your competition is in for the long con.

Sony seems to be copying nintendo's system. Nintendo hasn't moneyhatted anyone  and yet have come out on top by a long shot with nothing but their own efforts. You have to agree that the most reliable business plan is to be self-sustained. If sony can develop IPs like mario and zelda then PS will always have customers...I think thats their plan. That way, success is guaranteed without having to throw extra money left and right competing with a company that has waaay more funds.


This is because Nintendo changed strategies. Sony is following the Gamecube strategy right now. A core console, that can support itself with 1st party exclusive games, and 3rd party multiplats.

The Wii has been so successful simply due to its appeal to the casual market. An appeal the PS3 can't share.

Thus, the main strategic advantage Sony holds this gen is the sales of the console as a Blu-Ray player. Sony will lose that advantage next generation. If they still follow the Gamecube strategy, Microsoft will likely take advantage, by snatching up key 3rd party games.

The Gamecube would also, always have customers. You have to be careful about modeling your consumer strategy after a failed console.

Blu-ray isn't doing that great and some people buy the ps3 and fail to play games because they wanted the blu-ray. Thats a loss for sony because we all know that software is where the money's at.

This business is about making money. Despite the gamecube's percieved failure, nintendo made a lot of money that gen even from the gamecube itself because everything that had to do with that console was pure profit. 3 billion in losses changes a corporation's strategies big time.

M$  can afford to money-hat because windows is still very strong. Sony's gaming division was the breadwinner for the company for a while and now that it has fallen from grace, no other division has picked up the slack.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

ZenfoldorVGI said:

This is because Nintendo changed strategies. Sony is following the Gamecube strategy right now. A core console, that can support itself with 1st party exclusive games, and 3rd party multiplats.

The Wii has been so successful simply due to its appeal to the casual market. An appeal the PS3 can't share.

Thus, the main strategic advantage Sony holds this gen is the sales of the console as a Blu-Ray player. Sony will lose that advantage next generation. If they still follow the Gamecube strategy, Microsoft will likely take advantage, by snatching up key 3rd party games.

The Gamecube would also, always have customers. You have to be careful about modeling your consumer strategy after a failed console.

Not neccessarily.  It is your opinion that the Blu-ray playback is the main strategic advantage of the PS3.  And even if it is, it serves as an advantage next gen since it's been announced that the Blu-ray format is capable of 200GB of storage (thus making it foreseeable future proof).  Knowing that Microsoft has the funds to inflluence 3rd party developers, it makes sense for SONY to establish themsleves as a stronger 1st/2nd party developer/publisher.  These are titles that only SONY will have access to.  Also using Blu-ray in the next gen of console only helps guarantee lower hardware costs.  And if they continue to use the cell, developers would be more familiar with the newer PlayStation architecture.  Thus, this attracts more developers to develop for the next PlayStation while lower hardware cost helps free more funds to secure exclusives.  As much as you preach long-term goals, it's not hard to phantom SONY doing the same with Blu-ray, the Cell, and their own software support.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.