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Forums - Gaming Discussion - External 360 Blu-ray player already done?

"What we heard: What Brett Favre's return to professional football was to the NFL, Blu-ray Disc's compatibility with the Xbox 360 is to the gaming industry. It's been half a year since the last salvo of 360/BD reports, erupting at that time thanks to a Sony "senior executive" telling British economic daily The Financial Times that the high-definition video-playback creator was in talks with Microsoft to integrate an internal drive into a new 360 SKU."

Bogus or not bogus?: Microsoft has been clear in its position that online distribution will be its video-playback venue of choice, and there's no reason to believe this rumor holds any more water than the many that have come before it. As was seen with persistent rumors of Metal Gear Solid 4 arriving for the 360, repetition does not always equate to reality. Bogus.


I found this on Gamespot, and they found it at



Take my love, take my land..

Around the Network $100-$150 I would snag it in a heartbeat, though I think at that price MS would be selling them at a loss. Unfortunately....(though I appreciate the thread and link), this rumor has been crushed so many times before, I consider it just that...another rumor. Until MS themselves comes forward and announces it, I wouldnt hold my breath. Thanks for the info regardless, Simulacrum!

That is cool, interesting even. Apparently this one is true, according to what I have ready, many people seem to agree anyways. I want to see this happen, just because :P

But what about all the fanboys that said "We don't need Blu-Ray!!!" or :Blu-Ray is complete crap, no one needs it!!!" (well you get what I'm saying)

I'm not bashing anyone, but it is true, the 360 Fanboys always say that in a counter argument. So what would they have to say to this?

  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

They would say:OMG PS3 IS DOOMED!



Take my love, take my land..

I would say that we don't need Blu-Ray to play quality video games. I've never argued against Blu-Ray as I don't hate the PS3, but it's inclusion by Sony was to win a media format war and for no other reason.

At the rumored $150 it would be the cheapest player out there for anyone with a 360 and I'd buy it in a heartbeat as well. Unfortunately, I think this is probably just a rumor.

Around the Network

No need for me, I have a PS3 that plays Blu-rays. Funny thing is I was thinking about buying the 360 HD DVD player. But I would be wasting $40 if I do. Plus half of what was left in HD DVD that wasn't released on Blu-ray will be soon.

I want Smallville and Heroes seasons in Blu-ray!

Simulacrum said:
They would say:OMG PS3 IS DOOMED!



I know you posted that a joke, but it will cause some people not to get ps3 like my friend. His only reason for ps3 was blu-ray, and now he might not get it anymore.

For me I could careless. I have a ps3. Unless the offered me sometime like Heroes or another great show.


Acevil said:
Simulacrum said:
They would say:OMG PS3 IS DOOMED!



I know you posted that a joke, but it will cause some people not to get ps3 like my friend. His only reason for ps3 was blu-ray, and now he might not get it anymore.

For me I could careless. I have a ps3. Unless the offered me sometime like Heroes or another great show.

Well then he can get Xbox 360.

But I dont think it will effect on Ps3 sales.Xbox 360:s one good thing is because its cheap.If you put 150€ on it,then its gets too expensive.In my opinion.



Take my love, take my land..

is this true???
here is what i think if it is:
1. ps3 lost a major advantage to 360
2. blu-ray will replace dvd faster -maybe-

TheTruthHurts! said: $100-$150 I would snag it in a heartbeat, though I think at that price MS would be selling them at a loss. Unfortunately....(though I appreciate the thread and link), this rumor has been crushed so many times before, I consider it just that...another rumor. Until MS themselves comes forward and announces it, I wouldnt hold my breath. Thanks for the info regardless, Simulacrum!


I wonder if they would actually probably be breaking around even, the 360 cpu would be used to decode the Blu-Ray, so all they really need a box, a laser, and whatever is in that blu-ray equipment. I'm not knowledgable in this area though (so i'm probably wrong), anyone here know what the cost of what they need for the standalone box?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-