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Forums - Sony Discussion - USA TODAY has LBP keys! First come, first serve!!

I have eleven codes.

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.....this is ridiculous...I have 5 codes, count it, 5! and I only used 2 email accounts, I wouldn't be surprised if I get more (and all of u get more too). This is like a plague, it's going to fill my inbox! AHH ATTACK OF THE SACKBOY KEYS!! *ahem*....anyways, I got 3 to spare if anybody wants them, PM me.


@Dmeister J

OH YEA!? u think ur cool with ur 11 keys, huh? huh?! SCREW U! *mass spams USA today*

lol I've gotten a total of 4 codes now (and giving them to people at work, sorry guys :-p)


And I have even only sent a single email.

uhhhhhhh yeah i just checked my inbox again....I've got 3 extra codes now if anybody wants them

Edit: Scratch that I've got 5 extra beta codes if people want them lol

Edit2: All gone people, and congrats to the five who got them :P

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Edit- I now have 12.

USA Today gave me 3 for every E-mail address I used.

I have nine left over. If someone needs one, PM me.

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AVERTISE that in my LBP code giving away thread....cus there's still LOADS of ppl wanting one..or make a new thread!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

hey does anyone else have one?


EDIT: nvm JOKA_ is my hero!

talk about promoting a game




Stupid slow PSN... I'm at only 7% after an hour and a half. It's never been that slow before.

Signature goes here!

Any one got an extra beta my friend would like to play this please message me thank you