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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you had to play one game for all eternity?

Halo 3 (Its like a updated Goldeneye)

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craighopkins said:
Halo 3 (Its like a updated Goldeneye)



if there ever was a ban worthy comment, that was it

chimuusagi said:

Play level? Would that be the God status? At what number are you ranked in the world right now?


 hm there is no god status or sth like that, with play level i meant my ability of playing half life death match.

 i kick other peoples asses :P , there are not many who can beat me in HL 1


Improvements are caused by people who complain

theprof00 said:
haha Jo21


i may not die before playing that game!!,


i am asking nomura to marry me <3

To everyone saying Halo3, do you know now much an eternity's worth of XBox Live yearly fees would cost? That is a lot of money!

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WiiStation360 said:
To everyone saying Halo3, do you know now much an eternity's worth of XBox Live yearly fees would cost? That is a lot of money!

microsoft wins this gen confirmed!


theres no doubt in my mind.......................

Phantasy star online on dreamcast or gamecube, prefrebly dreamcast

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Metroid Prime without a doubt, the awesomeness just never stops in that game

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

Would we be stuck in a little room with a TV playing the game, or in the actual game world (though the world appeared to be reality, and could be expanded to all logical realms of the game world)

If it is the latter, I would want to be trapped in SM64 or Harvest Moon64, prefferable harvest moon. If it was reality, there would be a city where your father worked, and that stretch of land in between, everyone would conceivably be immortal since no one seems to age, and there are mountains/valley ect instead of blackness. Mario 64 I would imagine you could fly off the island back to mushroom kingdom via special kap with peach after lollygagging around her castle for 50-2000 years.

Play a game? It would need to be something that is no pressure, because if you die you are gone. Probably... harvest moon 64

So my final answer is harvest moon 64, one of my favorite games ever. Super Mario Sunshine would also be a pretty good pick.

Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, I've played 1170 recorded matches on my save file and a few hundred matches at my friends' places so far.