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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Yes another anti-LBP thread.

ultimate_123 said:

The gameplay is not very exciting. Its basically like a 2-d sidescroller with good graphics and physics. It really is get from point 'a' to point 'b'. Now I know nearly all games are from points a to b but this game has it in a very bait way. Also the user created content is exciting but very little of it includes gameplay, most of it is just jumping and seeing the stuff happen. Where's the gameplay in that? You also have to spend a lot of time creating levels only for them to turn out to be roughly 2-5 minutes long. I mean whats the points in spending 2 hours if the level only turned out to be 2-5 minutes long? Overall while I absolutely love the graphics there isn't much behind it. I expect a average score of 65-80 on Metacritic.

The beta ships with the first 5 levels.  They are essentially a tutorial to get you used to the controls and the general mechanics of the game.  The actual game includes 8 - 12 hours of gameplay with up to 60 levels created by the developer.  8 - 12 hours seems to be the average length of retail games this generation.  The first 5 levels were not particularly challenging, but they were fun and gave a good view of the overall game.  Some of the user created levels were extremely challenging/fun and rewarding. 

At its core, this is an opinion thread and it is not likely that your opinion will change.  There have been many opinions posted about this game and you are in the minority with your opinion.  I have seen enough in the Little Big Planet beta that I know it will be enjoyable for me. 


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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halil23 said:

The title is misleading. Here's the truth!

Yes another anti-Sony thread.


Did anyone else see this and think, from back in the day:

"Anyone who didn't sign this is un-American and un-Patriotic!"

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Garcian Smith said:
This thread summarized:

Poster: "Here's an intelligent, well-thought-out reason why I don't really care for a popular game."

Swarm of posters: "OHMIGOD he has an opinion different than ours! Burn the heretic!!"

Sounds like the Nintendo Forums >_> And What do you Expect for God's Sake! The guy Owns a 360 and Claims a PS3 Exclusive Sucks! News at 10!

Here's a few cool bits and bobs that doubters may(or may not find impressive).Firstly this level:

Part 1:<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Part 2:<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

and this the Little big computer:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

ultimate_123 said:

I've played LBP so you cannot say that I'm being a fanboy.

OK first of all I'd like to say this: AMAZING GRAPHICS. WOW. The graphics truely are amazing and so are the physics. This truely does show off the PS3s power.


The gameplay is not very exciting. Its basically like a 2-d sidescroller with good graphics and physics. It really is get from point 'a' to point 'b'. Now I know nearly all games are from points a to b but this game has it in a very bait way. Also the user created content is exciting but very little of it includes gameplay, most of it is just jumping and seeing the stuff happen. Where's the gameplay in that? You also have to spend a lot of time creating levels only for them to turn out to be roughly 2-5 minutes long. I mean whats the points in spending 2 hours if the level only turned out to be 2-5 minutes long? Overall while I absolutely love the graphics there isn't much behind it. I expect a average score of 65-80 on Metacritic.


You are being a fanboy. What you described is exactly what every 2D sidescroller is. I haven't played the game, so I will wait for reviews before I believe you :).

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blazinhead89 said:
Garcian Smith said:
This thread summarized:

Poster: "Here's an intelligent, well-thought-out reason why I don't really care for a popular game."

Swarm of posters: "OHMIGOD he has an opinion different than ours! Burn the heretic!!"

Sounds like the Nintendo Forums >_> And What do you Expect for God's Sake! The guy Owns a 360 and Claims a PS3 Exclusive Sucks! News at 10!


 Yet I think that Killzone 2 is going to be better than Gears of war 2.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

Quick run hide they don’t like you to talk bad about this game, I raised some valid concerns before ad now I am a troll to them so ehh…but maybe its not to late for you


Sony fanboys losing the plot. The game is over hyped.


Before this thread gets locked, because it is starting to get out of control, I'll throw my 2 cents in:

@Ultimate_123: You must understand that this game is one that PS3 owners having been hanging out for, and they've been pretty much starved since June and the big gaming event that was MGS4 (which was a minor sales event). For PS3 gamers, this game is big because they hope it's fun, it's been a while since they've had something seemingly AAA (Heck I'm still playing CoD4 after finishing MGS4, it's that bad). On the other hand, the PS3 fanboys (and there are many here) hope this game will push hardware.

So anything negative you say will be burned by almost all PS3 console owners because they fall into one of these 2 groups, So I recommend doing your best to avoid overly harsh comments. Do enough to get the point across, and nothing more.

@The people flaming Ultimate_123:
He's just giving his opinion. You can take it or you can leave it. This is a gaming forum, therefore almost all people here would have chosen a next-gen console already. He may not like LBP, but so what? he has no one to influence hardware sales wise (there's no casuals to "sell" the game to here), and those who own a PS3 will most likely have resolved to buy LBP anyway (I know I have).

So let the man speak, let him share his opinion and he did raise some good points (points which I had made in a thread a while back that I created). You call him a fanboy? yet instead of just saying "that's cool. I don't feel the same way, but that's cool" you go as far as to question his integrity (He doesn't have a PSN tag in his sig! he must be LYING!!!) is just stupid, and pointless anyway.

I'm a 360 fan owning a PS3, yet I do not share the fact that I own a PS3 in my sig or profile, does that mean I in fact don't own a PS3 and am spreading lies just to hurt PS3 sales to a GAMING FORUM (in which 90% would have gotten all the consoles they wanted by now, or have at least decided which to get).

It's funny, I was just watching a bunch of LBP videos and thinking the same thing as this thread's author and then read this thread. It looks cool but the user created levels were all so basic to play through. Hell anything with a vehicle looked like an overglorified LineRider level. I can play that for free (or pay for it on Wii/DS which I'm not included to do either). All other levels looked cute but... boring.

I think this game will be big out the gate but 95% of the people will get bored with it quickly. 5% will love it to death but they will be the same diehards that do skins and mods to PC games. For everyone else the bother of building levels will get old fast as will trying to find user created content that's actually worth it to play through.