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Before this thread gets locked, because it is starting to get out of control, I'll throw my 2 cents in:

@Ultimate_123: You must understand that this game is one that PS3 owners having been hanging out for, and they've been pretty much starved since June and the big gaming event that was MGS4 (which was a minor sales event). For PS3 gamers, this game is big because they hope it's fun, it's been a while since they've had something seemingly AAA (Heck I'm still playing CoD4 after finishing MGS4, it's that bad). On the other hand, the PS3 fanboys (and there are many here) hope this game will push hardware.

So anything negative you say will be burned by almost all PS3 console owners because they fall into one of these 2 groups, So I recommend doing your best to avoid overly harsh comments. Do enough to get the point across, and nothing more.

@The people flaming Ultimate_123:
He's just giving his opinion. You can take it or you can leave it. This is a gaming forum, therefore almost all people here would have chosen a next-gen console already. He may not like LBP, but so what? he has no one to influence hardware sales wise (there's no casuals to "sell" the game to here), and those who own a PS3 will most likely have resolved to buy LBP anyway (I know I have).

So let the man speak, let him share his opinion and he did raise some good points (points which I had made in a thread a while back that I created). You call him a fanboy? yet instead of just saying "that's cool. I don't feel the same way, but that's cool" you go as far as to question his integrity (He doesn't have a PSN tag in his sig! he must be LYING!!!) is just stupid, and pointless anyway.

I'm a 360 fan owning a PS3, yet I do not share the fact that I own a PS3 in my sig or profile, does that mean I in fact don't own a PS3 and am spreading lies just to hurt PS3 sales to a GAMING FORUM (in which 90% would have gotten all the consoles they wanted by now, or have at least decided which to get).