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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Yes another anti-LBP thread.

lapsed_gamer said:

Why this Nintendo fan is vocal:

Initially I and most other Nintendo fans I noticed were outspoken about the sales. This is possibly because we are used to games not selling as much as we think they deserve. They make profit, but undersell games of lesser quality. LBP could fit into this category if it sells < 2 million. This is much better than the Wii games, but to many LBP fans and to me at the time it would have been disappointing. I stated many times that I wanted the game, but wanted to be realistic as to its success.

Now (like you admit) the videos that we are seeing are not good examples of gameplay, but we are constantly told that if we like Mario we should like LBP.  If that is so, show us why. Remember, the Wii owner likes gameplay.


I can understand why non-ps3 owners are put off by LBP.  I think most of the "hate" is due to this ungodly amount of hype generated in the forums.  I do not think this game will sell much more than 2 million copies within the year.  For a 30 member development team, this would be a huge success.  Like I said in my previous post, I have not seen any videos that actually demonstrate game play.  The videos that get attention are more like tech demos.

For those that have not played the game, Sackboy has the ability to jump, run, pull, push, and emote.  The tools within the level creator allows people to create objects/levels where Sackboy can swing, climb, shoot, fly, etc.  Like Mario, Sackboy himself is limited in what he can do, but the environments provide him with substantially more capabilities.  Although I am creatively challenged, I the level creator is a lot of fun to work with.  I doubt many of my levels will be published but I thoroughly enjoy making them.

I really think that Sony will follow the Rock Band model with LBP.  I wouldn't be suprised to see custom 3rd party levels published to the store weekly for purchase.  These levels would be inexpensive to create using the tools, and would provide additional revenue streams for the IPs. 


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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BILL COSBY!!! said:
jingho said:
ya...the gameplay is the main point why we play a a game
LBP does not seem to satisfy people who really want to play games but not creating games
I mean,why are we doing this in a game?We are not artist,We want to play sports,shoot somebody and kick some ass in games,why bother doing something meaningless and tedious
2 hours for a 2-5 minutes video, come on~~~


Have you ever thought of downloading the millions of things people will create. It's not like you have to make things too. Lucky for people  like you I actually enjoy making levels.


Whether this is a great feature or a waste of time depends on how the distribution is organized. If it becomes impossible to find the great user content because of all the crap (and there will be tons of crap guarenteed), then obtaining user content will just be frustrating for most people. On the other hand, if there is a way to easily find content that is good (and is new to you) this will add a lot of value to the game.


makingmusic476 said:

@dbot: I agree.

I've given up on defending LBP, tbh. One day you guys will get to play the game, and then you'll be converted.

I find it really funny that Nintendo fans (fanboys?) make up such a vocal part of the LBP doubting crowd. This game should be right up there alley, much like it's right up mine.

In the end, the game will speak for itself, though.


A lot of people (like me) are not doubting whether this game will be good or not, but have been very vocal about how unrealistic sales expectations have become. The massive marketing and potential hype around this game should easily push it to 1 Million sales, but the current PS3 fanbase doesn't tend to embrace games that are not racing games, sports games or violent games so Little Big Planet is heavily limited in the level of sales it can achieve without the demographics of the userbase changing.

Now, breaking the Million sales barrier should be a reason to celebrate a game like Little Big Planet except that people have been hyping it as a 5+ Million (or 10+ Million in some cases) selling game which means that it will (likely) just be added to the list of "Failures" on the PS3 that are only "Failures" because of how overhyped they were. 

astrosmash said:

Whether this is a great feature or a waste of time depends on how the distribution is organized. If it becomes impossible to find the great user content because of all the crap (and there will be tons of crap guarenteed), then obtaining user content will just be frustrating for most people. On the other hand, if there is a way to easily find content that is good (and is new to you) this will add a lot of value to the game.



This is a valid point.  The beta does give you a glimpse as to how the user generated content will be managed.  After you successfully complete a user created level, Little Big Planet will prompt you for a keyword of what you thought about the level.  For example, it will offer a list of words like platformer, fun, brilliant, daft, rubish.  You can select one of these words, or select none of the above and you will be presented with an additional selection of words.  Basically, it is allowing the user community to categorize the level.  You can use the search function to find levels with keywords you are interested in such as fun, platformer, genius, etc.  Also, you can "heart" levels or creators which will save them in your play list and notify you when additional levels are published.  Sometimes I use the search feature and sometimes I sample levels that sound interesting.  The exploration is part of the fun.



Thanks for the input, Jeff.



I'm in the beta and think the game is ok. Half the defences made by sony fanboys of the games brilliance in this thread are just plain garbage.


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I've now played over 40 or so levels, and over 35 of them have been very good. But i've been having problems with the game crashing, i've tried to make some levels, but when i try to do the tutorials it always crashes so i gave up on that. I'm still not really sure how i'm joining in on some games and not others, i'm doing it all the same and sometimes it puts me with a group of people when i select play level online and other times it does not.

ultimate_123 said:
This is what i have learned from this thread:

You can't even DARE talking bad about LBP
No-one has a opinion apart from the people who like LBP
LBP is going to own anything on the 360.


haha - Gears of War will fucking rape anything else coming out for the rest of the year. Mark my words.

halil23 said:
MrBubbles said:
it looks ok and like it could be fun...but it just comes across, to me, as rather shallow

According to you every PS3 is shallow, even the multi platform ones on PS3.

Another thing is, this guy here a month ago predict 16million PS3 by year end, when it easily going to surpass it end of this month. What even more funny, he won't let me quote that on my sig because he doesn't want everyone to know what a fool he is.

So please stop trolling or join!

I'm really sick of trolls!

There's no need for any of this. Obviously you can't be nice so there's no reason for you to post anything else in this thread. This will be you only warning on the matter.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

yo oxy what happened to me ban? i was confused


@ OP


The average review score for this game ATM is like a 9.5.
