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Forums - Sony Discussion - TEKKEN 6 Not Coming To PS3! But Bloodline Rebellion Is!.

that post had scared me. tekken 6 and KHIII is the only reason why i bought this PS3. but from what i read it will just be an enhanced version of tekken 6. i don't see anything about it going multiplatform.

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the game wasn't listed on ps3 lineup for the TGS nor on the namco lineup

CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


This Exactly^

This gen has been a plethera of wishful thinking. All PS exclusives are automatically assumed to be going MP because a few have. Sony still maintains the largest line up of exclusives ever, and the only company to have a 1st party to rival Nintendo's.

I believe Tekken games are funded by Sony, hence they have been exclusive for so long. The arcade versions of Tekken run on PS hardware. The game is a simple, easy port to the actual caonsole. The main reasons the game has been in development for so long is becuz of Namco's other fighter, Soul Calibur. They purposely restricted any talk of tekken till after SC's release as not to take away the spot light from the game. Tekken is the biggest 3D fighter out right now, It would easily overshadow SC, DOA, MK, etc. Also They wanted to actually give the arcade a fighting chance to make money on it. Arcades are a dying breed, they gave it a year to have Tekken 6 exclusively.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


This Exactly^

This gen has been a plethera of wishful thinking. All PS exclusives are automatically assumed to be going MP because a few have. Sony still maintains the largest line up of exclusives ever, and the only company to have a 1st party to rival Nintendo's.

I believe Tekken games are funded by Namco, hense they have been exclusive for so long. The arcade versions of Tekken run on PS hardware. The game is a simple, easy port to the actual caonsole. The main reasons the game has been in development for so long is becuz of Namco's other fighter, Soul Calibur. They purposely restricted any talk of tekken till after SC's release as not to take away the spot light from the game. Tekken is the biggest 3D fighter out right now, It would easily overshadow SC, DOA, MK, etc. Also They wanted to actually give the arcade a fighting chance to make money on it. Arcades are a dying breed, they gave it a year to have Tekken 6 exclusively.

You win, congratulations! How does it feel to win the internetz?


CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!

Maybe because Namco has a very good relationship with Microsoft and have given them most of the games that used to be Playstation exclusives either as new MS exclusives or multiplats. Katamari, Tales, Ace Combat, Soul Calibur, Culdcept and Ridge Racer. So far the only two not to go be shared or jump ship entirely are Time Crisis 4 and Tekken 6. I'm not claiming to know anymore than anyone else around here, but don't count out Tekken going multiplatform when there is plenty of evidence showing it's a real possibility based on past trends.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Onyx

Actually Sony and Namco have a better connection than they have with M$ so please research that before posting who has what with who as I HAVE researched it. Second, as I've said - people need to stop assuming, not every exclusive will go multiplatform. I'm glad some people understand that even if u don't. Ridge Racer by the way has already been multi: Ridge Racer Type 4 for N64 waives hello. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Ridge Racer, SC, Ace Combat have no where near the connection with the PS brand as Tekken does and also don't mean that because they went multi that it will too, remember all those rumors about MGS4 going multi? Yea look how that turned out: it's a ROCK SOLID PS3 exclusive. My opinion: if there's a game that's ONLY ON PS3 then get it on PS3 not sit and blow bubbles waiting and praying for a 360 port. I bought a PS3 to play PS3 games, a 360 for 360 games and a Wii to play Wii games - (and also for the GENIUS “Virtual Console”) hey I'm all about the classics man.

You started your reply out saying you did research and then failed to provide what you found...if anything. Using Metal Gear Solid 4 by Konami as evidence that Tekken 6 from Namco can't go multiplatform is ridiculous. One publisher's actions do not affect another's. Also please give me some sort of evidence showing Sony has a better relationship with Namco than MS does. The last two years say otherwise.

Also Ace Combat is just as much associated with the PS brand as Tekken is. There were seven Ace Combats on Sony platforms before it went to 360 and there were six Tekkens so far on Sony consoles. Nice job writing off every other franchise that has jumped ship from the same publisher like none of them matter. Picking out only select portions of arguments to rally against must be a defining characteristic of how you try to "win".

I'm not saying Tekken 6 is going multiplatform. I'm not saying it won't either. There are a considerable amount of trends pointing out that a multiplatform release or late 360 release are a legitimate possibility. Don't sit there and simply deny that just because you want another exclusive game to hang over the heads of owners of other consoles.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Uh bloodline rebelion is Tekken 6!its just updated graphics and more character's.

Dgc1808 said:



The Anarchyz said:
Tekken 6 arcade machines are Namco's 357 System, here are the specs:

Hardware : PS3 Based
CPU : Cell
Ram : 256MB Rambus XDR DRAM, clocked at CPU die speed.
          (256MB DDR3, clocked at ~ 700MHz ?? )


The main hardware is practically a PS3...

Only 256?? What about the other ram pool the ps3 has?? The 256 DDR3....

That's the RSX Memory, sorry, i didn't show the whole info because it's the same PS3 info we all know, here it goes:

Hardware : PS3 Based
CPU : Cell
CPU Notes : Microprocessor consisting of one 3.2 GHz PowerPC-based Power Processing Element (PPE) and six Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs).
A seventh runs in a special mode and is dedicated to aspects of the OS and security, and an eighth is disabled to improve production yields.
PlayStation 3's Cell CPU achieves 204 GFLOPS single precision float and 15 GFLOPS double precision.

GPU Notes : Based on NVIDIA G70 (NV47) architecture. The GPU makes use of 256 MB GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700 MHz with an effective transmission rate of 1.4 GHz and up to 224 MB of the 3.2 GHz XDR main memory via the CPU (480 MB max)

Ram : 256MB Rambus XDR DRAM, clocked at CPU die speed.

Notes : The floating point performance of the whole system (CPU + GPU) is reported to be 2 TFLOPS.



CGI-Quality said:
Tekken is remaining PS exclusive as far as I've read and why do people always assume ALL PS3 exclusives will go multi - MGS4 says HELLO!!!


haha - i don't know why but that reminded me of Otocon's PS3 quip after the final Crying Wolf cut-scene

ahhh...good tiemz

OT: damn, thread title gave me a fright too, never knew what Bloodline Rebellion was lol

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Good news for Tekken fans I guess.

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