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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo expects DS and DSi to 'coexist' in US, gamers unimpressed

If I can't play my Guitar Hero DS Game on it, I'm not upgrading. Sorry Ninty, but as of now, I will buy a PS3, some new 360 games, some DS Games, some old GC Games and a buch of other things, before a DSi.

Besides, My DS already HAS 2 Micro-SD slots and can already play Movies and Music... ;)

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I honestly don't see the big deal. If you are one of the minority of people who feels they must have the latest iterations of every system then this is probably great news for you. If you are still happy with your DS Phat/Lite then great, you don't have to upgrade. Finally if you are one of those people who hasn't yet purchased a DS perhaps this will push you over the edge or at least gives you options when/if you finally make the purchase.

This seems to be random UK Nintendo bashing!

The intent of my statement is that a lot of sites in the UK seem to think that since Nintendo is not the latest/greatest technology that it is not worth their while -- thus they take great delight in making mountains out of molehills with regard to anything that might be different about Nintendo's approach to gaming.

The "gamers unimpressed" comes from the original article -- which was actually much more harsh. My expression of exasperation comes from the fact that (a) there is no proof of this statement (most gamers probably don't know about it) and (b) its a UK site talking about the marketing strategy for US/NA.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Only if both systems are running the same games. If the DSi gets it's own set of special games, then that won't be cool at all..... [imo]

4 ≈ One

Hm, I wonder sometimes how many people online believe themselves to be perfectly representative of a given industry not only as a whole but also as it will always be...

DSi and DS Lite target two different tiers of the Blue Ocean Strategy. Users interested in the DSi are unlikely to be interested in the DS Lite, and (to some extent) vice versa. The entire idea behind the DSi is to create new customers. The fact that existing customers may balk at it is meaningless; what matters is what potential new buyers, ones who don't even own a video game system of any kind, think.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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Is it even possible for them to make a "DSi only" game? What would make the game incapable of running on other DS models? Features like the camera seem completely optional for gameplay, would anyone really force camera use ingame and lock out 80+ million potential customers?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Im still going to upgrade but im no going to get rid of my imported DS Lite. It cost me too much money.

I think if anything we'll see games that have 'extra' content only unlockable on DSi. You mentioned a DSi-only Zelda: in the past, nintendo released Link's Awakening DS, which, while playable on the original Gameboy and Gameboy Pocket, had a dungeon only accesible on the Gameboy Color. Oracle of Ages/Seasons also had content only available if you played it on the GBA. Incentives to upgrade, but nothing more than that.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

KylieDog said:
DSi will get exlusive download content or some crap, or perhaps multiplayer that only works with the improvements they mentiion.

That way they can release the games and make money from Lite owners, but try encourage them to buy DSi at same time.

When enough DSi owners exist, move to DSi only games.

When will there ever be enough DSi owners to justify ignoring a potential 100 million users?

Maybe, Nintendo is going to make DSi only games to sell DSi's not the other way around, as everyone seems to assume in this thread.

Didn't Iwata say something to the effect of:

People buy the hardware to play the software. The hardware is something that gets in the way of consumers playing games.The software has to compel them to buy the hardware.



Just to clarify, it's already been confirmed that there will be DSi only games.


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.