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Forums - Sales Discussion - 10 reasons why the 360 will own this holiday season!

ok number 1- that new dashboard thing is not gonna make the 360 win this holiday
number 2 gears OK THIS can pass
number 3 left for dead wont sell enough to make the 360 win this holiday
number 4 fable 2 will help so this one works also
number 5 gta DLC is not important gta released apr 29, people will not buy this game just for that, so another failed reason
number 6 price cut ok this is good
number 7 net flix is good but this is not gonna make the 360 win
number 8 fall out 3 DLC No this is a failure reason also
number 9 xbox live is not gonna make someone buy a system when u have to pay to play
number 10 everyone knows psn games are A hell of alot better than arcade games

not being a fanboy just being real

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I like Xbox 360, here is my opinion on the points

1. No one will really care about avatars. All it does is allow Xbox 360 live subscribers to justify paying $50 a year while PSN users pay nothing

2. This may prevent some people from buying a PS3 for some more FPSes. Few will but a 360 for this FPS; didn't halo 3, bioschok, CoD4, and Gears 1 already come out?

3. People may have bought some consoles for Dead rising, left for dead won't have much of any impact by itself

4. Fable 2 may sell some consoles, oblivion was very early in the 360's life

5. DLC for GTA4 is too after the fact. People won't pick up a 360 now for that content. People got a 360 or a PS3 for GTA4 when it came out.

6. Price cuts will definatly boost sales. $200 360 in soft economy= very good

7. Netflix? Very few will buy a console for netflix. Not even that many people know PS3 is a blu ray player surprisingly, and that is much more valuable and easy to use than xbox live netflix.

8. Fallout DLC will cause people to buy fallout on 360 over PS3 if they own both consoles. People on edge of which console to buy might pick 360. Like left for dead, this might sell a few hundred consoles at most.

9. xbox live.. no

10. same as #9

Over half his points are just xbox live. Only 2 points- price cut and fable 2- are likely.

i dont think you guys get the article its not just talking about sales its also talking about why it will just be a great console this holiday

LOL. That article wasn't about sales, guys. It was just some points on what the 360 is going to deliver over the holidays, and I am looking forward to most of those.

i agree with all these


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saxophonehero said:
i am sorry to tell you this but everthing but number 6 can be countered by Sony alone


 false what is gonna counter gears 2? or left4dead LBP cant beat both


Gears and the price cut are the only thing on that list that makes sense.

The copy paste from the Miis.... really???? O.o

in america, it can but in europe, no chance and forget about japan.

Maynard_Tool said:
Gears and the price cut are the only thing on that list that makes sense.

The copy paste from the Miis.... really???? O.o


the cheap price is the only real factor. how is gears of war 2 going to help? it aint going to sell any extra hardware and plus it isnt as big as gta, halo or mgs and even them 3 games hardly sold any extra hardware so i highly doubt gears of war 2 will. also last year ps3 and 360 was neck and neck even though the 360 had halo 3, geow, mass effect, bioshock on its shelf and ps3 was expensive as hell yet it still managed to stay in there. the price is the only thing that matters on that list is, everything else wont help at all.

ceaser92 said:
ok number 1- that new dashboard thing is not gonna make the 360 win this holiday
number 2 gears OK THIS can pass
number 3 left for dead wont sell enough to make the 360 win this holiday
number 4 fable 2 will help so this one works also
number 5 gta DLC is not important gta released apr 29, people will not buy this game just for that, so another failed reason
number 6 price cut ok this is good
number 7 net flix is good but this is not gonna make the 360 win
number 8 fall out 3 DLC No this is a failure reason also
number 9 xbox live is not gonna make someone buy a system when u have to pay to play
number 10 everyone knows psn games are A hell of alot better than arcade games

not being a fanboy just being real


 hahaha...umm no. Evern with the official retail games being passed as dlc games by sony...they can't touch xbox live arcade.