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Forums - Sales Discussion - Here we go again, Dow plunges

I wonder if those who believed the economy won't effect game sales are rethinking things. The Dow is now down another 570 points and well below 10000. Sony is at a 5 year low and Nintendo has dropped like a rock. This has to reduce game sales, I don't see how people will have money to spend freely. The entire world is going into recession.

In addition, credit has completely dried up. This will have a huge impact on future games that don't already have their credit secured. It will be almost impossible to start a multi-million dollar project because companies won't be able to get any credit. This means that expensive projects that aren't a sure bet will not get the green light.

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Yes it makes sense: Smaller budgets for games.. more "no risks" sequels.. and it also could mean we even get more multiplatform titles because that will spread the risk.. don't be surprised if FFxiii Versus will also go to the 360 if this continues...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

So, do you guys believe the Democrats' accusations that the conservative Republicans are the ones at fault? I wonder if there ever was a 'Politics' game... o_0

Yes, unfortunately, this will have a bad effect on video game sales. I still think Wii will lead the pack, but only by a shadow of what it could be.

The BuShA owns all!

I know my buying list has dwindle quite a bit. Rock Band 2 was lucky it came out earlier and is a party game but other games I was planning on buying are now off my list just because of money. Only game guaranteed purchase right now is Gears of War 2. Before I had fable 2 , left 4 dead, Saints row 2 and fallout 3.

I agree with FishyJoe

here is a VERY nice summary about today's crisis:

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Vertigo-X said:
So, do you guys believe the Democrats' accusations that the conservative Republicans are the ones at fault? I wonder if there ever was a 'Politics' game... o_0

Yes, unfortunately, this will have a bad effect on video game sales. I still think Wii will lead the pack, but only by a shadow of what it could be.


any one with any good sense know it is the people the over borrowed or defaulted on loans over the years that are responsible for this,

I remember my aunt's idiot rich friends bragging about how they all defaulted on their student loans years ago, idiots they should all be forced to work in salt mines or some other terrible job,

coupled with the crappy performance of government sponsored corporations like Freddie mac and fannia mae and finally good old fashion panicing or selfish lemmings (think the stock market crash part of It's a wonderful life), they contributed a whole lot the stock market crash of '29, they caused the asian market crashes, and they're not helping here either


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The $700 billion bail out will not do much to fix the US economy. Just give them money to blow down the drain all over again without changing anything.

I also think that quite a few game developers will go under. Any game company that isn't making good profit will not be able to get credit. Without credit, you can't make games. If you can't make games, you go out of business.

Ps3 will be horribly affected

SONY is in a horrible situation

it can lower prices & sustain HW the same time get terrible losses in such a terrible financial year....who knows whether the investors will be pleased with that


they do nothing....hope LBP & RES 2 do "something" and risk LOSING LOADS of HW Sales & MArket share to 360....

Best move SONY can make.....lower Ps2 price to $99 I feel



I think this is the Death Blow for Take 2

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Yeah, Sony is in a bad spot but not just because of the PS3. All the other products Sony makes will take a big hit. Pretty much everything Sony makes depends on a good economy because they compete on a premium brand.