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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is Microsoft so eager to win Sony?

smbu2000 said:
The Fury said:

I had a conversation with someone (can't remember who, apologies) here about the whole thing about why M$ were in this and why they wanted Sony out (although seemingly didn't mind Nintendo whiping the floor with them).

In the end the conclusion was a few things but mainly that they wanted the PC to be the centre of the living room, while Sony wanted the TV/Media devices. Thing is M$ will fail at that because their attempt at a PC in the living room was the X-box and that was more media then PC. PS2 and X-box had similar pluses. Both had DVD players etc, in the end the PS2 won, not only on price but because of brand, games (both causal and hardcore) and it's general use in the living room (DVD etc). Xbox was too late and far too shooty.

Come this new generation M$ had a head start so have done well with that but with my conversation in the other thread, we came to it that M$ were trying to secure the media centre via downloads while PS3 was still a disc format. To be honest, i think downloads is a bad option at the moment. Yes it's the way forward, but I'd still prefer to have a CD then some completely unphysical and my net connection is not win all, neither is majority of the worlds, people with download limits are screwed as well as slow connections, but a disc is a disc. But it's M$ drive to be that Media centre in the living room that makes them want to win against Sony, nigh on ignoring Nintendo.

Of course, personally, I feel a PC has no place in the living room. It goes in the corner on a desk and is used for work, FPS and porn.

I think that's more of a "nobody expected Nintendo to be dominant this generation", rather than they don't mind. Sony most likely assumed they would be the leader again this gen and MS probably assumed it would be Sony they would be battling against like in the Xbox1/PS2 gen.


I think The Fury msg with your correction about Nintendo neatly sums up things I read along this thread that I agree on.

MS badly wants the living room, they fear traditional PC market, where they dominate, could become eventually marginalized, or worse, disrupted, particularly if living room appliances come to offer all PC functions needed by a family, while Apple could eat massive chunks of the limited resource they are currently thriving on and Linux is always stronger on the server side and even on supercomputers and more and more in education.


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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axumblade said:
I personally feel that it's because they want to be in control of all media mediums. They already have the PC world with Vista. They have the Zune (which has yet to touch the iPod when it comes to sales) and they have the xbox 360 (which will enjoy a shallow grave next to the wii, as the xbox did to the ps2).

I guess they have two reasons: an aggressive, monopolistic one, just what you wrote, and a defensive one, the things I wrote on the msg above and others wrote before me. These two reasons cross each other frequently on practical issues too.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

RSEagle said:
I would type a response but I'm blinded by your horrendous grammar and broken English. Please learn this language..

Not everybody's a native English speaker you know...sheesh...

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

bdbdbd said:
@yemeaga1n: About your 360 example; doesn't make the 360 in between a little useless?

Brand loyalty is known fact. Instead of asking why Wii beats PS3 in sales, you should ask why PS3 is selling better than 360. That's where you find the brand loyalty. Although, brand loyalty only exists in similar products, and that's when you are able to charge premium and sell as much as competition, who sells it's products cheaper.
Look at cars industry, Daimler-Chrystler charges more than the competion, just like BMW, also Toyota have been upping their prices above most of GM:s and Fords similar products. It's all about brand loyalty and perception.

Selling better as of when? And what does that have to do with my response? Please try to read the post I'm replying to and analyize it before replying. I was addressing the OP opinion the companies purpose for selling consoles is to introduce consumers to their other products...not true, look at nintendo.

But since you brought it up, lets address it. Where are all the brand loyal 140 million ps2 owners? Why haven't they bought the ps3? Why is the x360 soon gonna pass xbox LTD sales? Why is Wii dominating this generation. Sorry, but it looks like a lot of PS3 loyal fans have jumped ship to wii and x360. You have to keep customers happy to keep brand loyalty and continue charging that premium. The PS3 cleary has not made itself worth it to its "brand loyal" customers.

axumblade said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
axumblade said:
I personally feel that it's because they want to be in control of all media mediums. They already have the PC world with Vista. They have the Zune (which has yet to touch the iPod when it comes to sales) and they have the xbox 360 (which will enjoy a shallow grave next to the wii, as the xbox did to the ps2).

I guess they have two reasons: an aggressive, monopolistic one, just what you wrote, and a defensive one, the things I wrote on the msg above and others wrote before me. These two reasons cross each other frequently on practical issues too.

It's not meant to sound as monopolistic as it does. There are still Linux and Mac. But most stores feature Microsoft products over Mac and I can't think of any store that is specifically supportive of Linux. I was more referring to a Talladega Nights quote that Microsoft like to follow. "IF you're not first, you're last."


Yes, this isn't strictly monopolistic (being leader would be enough to satisfy it), although it's aggressive and defensive at the same time, like Andy Grove's quote "Only the paranoid survive".

I don't think MS is more paranoid and power lusty than in the past, but with Ballmer in chief they look like they are a lot more than when they were ruled by Bill Gates.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Around the Network

@Simulacrum: You replied to a post, that said M$ wanting to make sure 360 is the second console in peoples homes, with saying that the way you see it, Wii is the second console for most people.
Now, the post you replied, was referring that M$ wants to push 360 to same homes that already has a Wii as a second console. Then, your reply in context to the post you replied, was saying that more than half of the Wii owners have bought their Wii as a secondary console to go with other current gen console, PS3 or 360. Now, we hardly can count last gen consoles as current gen and we hardly can count PC as a console, which indicates you were obviously meaning something else that you wrote.

@ymeaga1n: The trend since launch have been, that PS3 has slowly been catching 360.

Without brand loyalty, how well would PS3 sell in relation to 360? Aside from BD and a couple of exclusives, there's very little difference between the two. Still, PS3 have been trending to sell better than 360 since launch, with much higher price. If you didn't notice, i addressed this issue already in the post you replied to.
Nintendo is differentiating from the group, so the people who wants the new gaming experience, have no choice but to get a Wii, if PS3 would offer the same experience, the sales would be a whole lot different, with the most propability.
Now, PS3 has been about 1,5 times as expensive as HDD model 360, for most of the time, they offer the same and still, PS3 has sold better.

That's the reason why the strategy Nintendo is using is called disruption; it breaks the convential values that are dominant in the market.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

bdbdbd said:
@Simulacrum: You replied to a post, that said M$ wanting to make sure 360 is the second console in peoples homes, with saying that the way you see it, Wii is the second console for most people.
Now, the post you replied, was referring that M$ wants to push 360 to same homes that already has a Wii as a second console. Then, your reply in context to the post you replied, was saying that more than half of the Wii owners have bought their Wii as a secondary console to go with other current gen console, PS3 or 360. Now, we hardly can count last gen consoles as current gen and we hardly can count PC as a console, which indicates you were obviously meaning something else that you wrote.

@ymeaga1n: The trend since launch have been, that PS3 has slowly been catching 360.

Without brand loyalty, how well would PS3 sell in relation to 360? Aside from BD and a couple of exclusives, there's very little difference between the two. Still, PS3 have been trending to sell better than 360 since launch, with much higher price. If you didn't notice, i addressed this issue already in the post you replied to.
Nintendo is differentiating from the group, so the people who wants the new gaming experience, have no choice but to get a Wii, if PS3 would offer the same experience, the sales would be a whole lot different, with the most propability.
Now, PS3 has been about 1,5 times as expensive as HDD model 360, for most of the time, they offer the same and still, PS3 has sold better.

That's the reason why the strategy Nintendo is using is called disruption; it breaks the convential values that are dominant in the market.

Hmh...Ook. Forget pc and last generation consoles:50% of Wii customers could be bought as second console.I dont care if im wrong.Thats what has happend to my friends I know.

So,lets forget Wii and get back on topic.Or can we forget Wii?Nah.



Take my love, take my land..

@Simulacrum: In the long term it only works if they buy another current gen console as a primary console. The last gen consoles won't have a lot of life left, especially when the support is dying off.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

"Hmh...Ook. Forget pc and last generation consoles:50% of Wii customers could be bought as second console.I dont care if im wrong.Thats what has happend to my friends I know."

Graah...My friends have Ps3/Xbox360 and after that they have bought Wii.I mean some of them.I didint mean last generation consoles



Take my love, take my land..

@CGI: Well, yes. Perceive would be a lot better way to put it. What i wanted to say, is that for almost every feature and game, on either PS3 or 360, the competitor has somekind of an equivalent and 3rd parties treating both as a single platform.

@Simulacrum: You should have said so.
Well, in Finland 360 and PS3 are both performing better than average and besides, because of your young age, i believe your friends are too in the PS360 target category.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.