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bdbdbd said:
@yemeaga1n: About your 360 example; doesn't make the 360 in between a little useless?

Brand loyalty is known fact. Instead of asking why Wii beats PS3 in sales, you should ask why PS3 is selling better than 360. That's where you find the brand loyalty. Although, brand loyalty only exists in similar products, and that's when you are able to charge premium and sell as much as competition, who sells it's products cheaper.
Look at cars industry, Daimler-Chrystler charges more than the competion, just like BMW, also Toyota have been upping their prices above most of GM:s and Fords similar products. It's all about brand loyalty and perception.

Selling better as of when? And what does that have to do with my response? Please try to read the post I'm replying to and analyize it before replying. I was addressing the OP opinion the companies purpose for selling consoles is to introduce consumers to their other products...not true, look at nintendo.

But since you brought it up, lets address it. Where are all the brand loyal 140 million ps2 owners? Why haven't they bought the ps3? Why is the x360 soon gonna pass xbox LTD sales? Why is Wii dominating this generation. Sorry, but it looks like a lot of PS3 loyal fans have jumped ship to wii and x360. You have to keep customers happy to keep brand loyalty and continue charging that premium. The PS3 cleary has not made itself worth it to its "brand loyal" customers.