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axumblade said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
axumblade said:
I personally feel that it's because they want to be in control of all media mediums. They already have the PC world with Vista. They have the Zune (which has yet to touch the iPod when it comes to sales) and they have the xbox 360 (which will enjoy a shallow grave next to the wii, as the xbox did to the ps2).

I guess they have two reasons: an aggressive, monopolistic one, just what you wrote, and a defensive one, the things I wrote on the msg above and others wrote before me. These two reasons cross each other frequently on practical issues too.

It's not meant to sound as monopolistic as it does. There are still Linux and Mac. But most stores feature Microsoft products over Mac and I can't think of any store that is specifically supportive of Linux. I was more referring to a Talladega Nights quote that Microsoft like to follow. "IF you're not first, you're last."


Yes, this isn't strictly monopolistic (being leader would be enough to satisfy it), although it's aggressive and defensive at the same time, like Andy Grove's quote "Only the paranoid survive".

I don't think MS is more paranoid and power lusty than in the past, but with Ballmer in chief they look like they are a lot more than when they were ruled by Bill Gates.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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