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Damnit Double Post!


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ecurbj said:
Also bro, you should try Nintendogs, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, the Brain Age games, the Castlevania games if your a fan of that series, Disagea DS, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Dragon Quest Heroes, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Mario & Luigi, The World Ends with You, The Phoenix Wright series, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Professor Layton series...and I could go on.

So why quit on a successful platform? Your confusing bro....

to thread OP:

Nintendogs is fun for about 8 hours then you will absoultly hate it. Or at least that happened to everyone I know. The brain age games are really really boring, biggest waste ever, unless you really like Soduku. Disagaea PSP>Disagaea DS also, by alot. The other games recomeneded are good, and you may or may not like em. You should like FF 3 and FF4 alot if you like RPGs. Obviosuly get pokemon since you are a fan; I would keep the DS and wait for Chrono Trigger and Pokemon Platinum and the inetivatble NSMB2. Also, Kirby Super Sat r ultra is fun.

|_emmiwinks said:
makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.


I agree. PSP is alot better than DS for my gaming needs (exluding multimedia)

also, PSP usually have MORE meat due to UMD having more data. DS might have the power to run Sega Genesis Collection, but it probably doesn't have the storage capacity.

Well, the thing about opinions is that they're like asses; everybody's got one. Most of them tend to smell, though. ^_^

The BuShA owns all!

RolStoppable said:
Skeeuk said:

i recently bought my son a turquise ds with digs2 and cars.

it was so bollox that even my 6yer old hates it.

we traded the titles in to find something easy for him to play like burnout and tamagochi! both were delapetated.

NEVER BUY BURNOUT on ds its pig awfull.

theres only a handful of games on it like the ninty ones, all the rest are rubbish, it amazes me why ppl buy it so much.

I don't get why you bought four mediocre/horrible DS games for your son, as a gamer you should be better informed before you are buying games. But then again this also explains your last sentence, you have hardly any idea which games are available on the DS.



What the hell sir? What's the matter with you. This is even worse than my earlier example, because it's real. How did you find your way to the internet, and how in gods name did you make a profile and consistantly post semi-fair proSony posts when you don't know enough not to buy Cars for DS. Then, you, a "core" gamer I would assume(since you somehow found your way onto the internet and even this website), judged the whole console on those 4 horrible games you decided to purchase.

Should I judge the PS3 by L.A.I.R. and Haze?

This is bullcrap. I don't believe your story. I think you're telling a Pro-Sony embellishment or a Pro-Sony lie. If not, then I think everyone, everywhere, ever, can agree that your opinion isn't worth a can of beans, considering the horrible atrocities you actually admitted to basing it upon.

Can you explain yourself?

At the risk of diminishing my scold, I will continue with the setting straight of your comments.

Nintendo games are great on the DS, but probably the best games are these:

Elite Beat Agents

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Final Fantasy IV

The World Ends With You

How many of these does Nintendo develop?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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If you're uninformed and don't know what to pick. It's pretty safe bet to choose Nintendo published titles. They are, at least, not horrible.

Oh wow you can put > in the titles now?!?!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

I like both DS and the PSP, but i will be getting a PSP 3000 as soon as it comes out, and i am a big Nintendo fan since i can remember. But PSP has the media capabilities that i want (i'm travelling quite a lot nowdays), and does have some good games that i want to try out like GoW, Final Fantasy Tactics or CC:FFVII and some others.

DS is great, it has great titles in its library, but i do want to try something different. And Wii gives me all nintendo gaming i need.

I agree with starcraft 100% about the DS being worse then the PSP.

Final Fantasy III for DS was great, but it doesn't take long to get tired of old SE remakes.

Also, Phoenix Wright gets boring fast. I never did bother beating III. Still, fun while it lasts.

PSN - hanafuda