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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What are your favorite systems?

My top systems


1. N64- Got this when I was 6 or 7, the games seemed real an dmagical, I loved the controller, and there are so many classics. Banjo Kazooie, Mario 64, Harvest Moon 64, Kiry 64, Star Fox 64, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 1 and 2, Yoshi's Story, Space Invaders, and The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time were my favorties.

2. Xbox 360- this system is great. So many great games and a fantastic controller. D pad is crappy and ststem can get RRoD and online costs money and there arn't as many local multiplayer games as I would like, but other than that this system is amazing

3. Game Cube- Tons of great games I loved, great controller, lots of great multiplayer games, just like Nintendo 64. Super Mario Sunshine, Pikmin 1 nad 2, ToS, Fire Emblem, Kirby Air Ride, Mario Double Dash, and Melee are my favorites.

4. PSP- just tons of great games, and they are really cheap used for some reason. Load times and battery are annyoing but its worth it to have a portable console thats almost as good as the N64 and can play movies and music.

5. NES- the first gaming system I had, I remember playing Mario and crystalis when I was 3-4. I got SM3 when I was 5-6 and I loved that too. Duck Hunt and pac man were also awesome

runner up- SNES (didn't own one until a few years ago, rented it a few times when I was 5-6, loved SMW. SMW is one of my favorite games ever, alog with Pimin and Melee and Harvest Moon 64 and SM3 and perhaps Banjo Kazooie)

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1. PS2 - Mostly for the great games like GTA3, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, Gran Turimso 3 & 4, God of War, Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3, Ratchet and Clank Series, etc

2. PS1 - Also for the great games. Crash Bandicoot (back when it was good), Gran Turismo 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid, Medal of Honor, Resident Evil, etc

3. Game Boy - It had pokemon red/blue, 'nuff said

4. Xbox 360 - Right now i like it because of the fun online and stuff. But once PS3's big hitters (KZ2, GT5, SOCOM, GoW3) come out I'll forget this system exists

5. PS3 - Right now the game selection isn't stellar, but its growing constantly. Also the Blu Ray built in is crazy. Too expensive though and not enough good games to be higher on the list

Systems I'VE PLAYED not ranked cause they're not as good - Wii, N64, 3DO, PSP, GBA, Game Gear, Xbox

Any other system, i really haven't played

No DS = Fail

My list:

1.- SNES
2.- N64
3.- DS
4.- GC
5.- GBA

1.) SNES - Library is full of classics. The controller is my favorite in gaming history. Several advancements were made to define genres on this machine. Also, it's still pretty fun to this day.

2.) Dreamcast - For a system that lasted 2 1/2 years, it's library is very respectable. It was SEGA, at its finest. 128-bit goodness and the controller is one of my favorites. It also gave birth to online gameplay on consoles.

3.) N64 Several of Nintendo's franchises had great transitions to 3D (SM64, OoT, DK64, SF64, FZX, MK64) and RARE was truly blooming (Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct). Gave birth to the Rumble Pack and the Analog stick which were made mainstream.

4.) NES - My first game system. It was incredible for the time and pretty much created Nintendo's identity. I loved the peripherals like the NES Zapper and this machine gave birth to some of my favorite franchises ever.

5.) GEN - Worthy opponent to the SNES. Gave us Sonic, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Vectorman, Ecco the Dolphin and several others. Probably the first system that I could say had beautiful looking games.

Pixel Art can be fun.


No DS = Fail

My list:

1.- SNES
2.- N64
3.- DS
4.- GC
5.- GBA

Yes, because we all know that anyone who doesn't think the same way as you do fails. But considering that your list only contains Nintendo system, a couple of which were part of a generation with consoles with better games, I have to wonder. Anyways, my list:

1. Playstation

2. Playstation 2

3. Super Nintendo Entertainment System

4. Xbox 360

5. Nintendo 64




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ps2, sega genesis, n64

1. PS2: Hello, welcome to variety heaven! that is, any heaven you want to, it's got enough of every genre. Seriously, this console won't ever be beaten in games. Great controller, reliable (mine runs for 5 years now, no DRE's, not even once), quiet, easy to develop for, sweet looking... and who could forget, awesome BC.

2. PS1: Umm.. well... that's pretty much the same thing as the PS2. Can't say much more.

3. SNES: Never had the console itself, but emulated a lot. The Queen of Nintendo consoles. Fantastic Nintendo first party titles, big, big Squearesoft support, some of the best Konami and Capcom titles reliable, powerful, lots of variety... it's like a younger PS2, minus the Nintendo titles.

4. DS: Where do I start? ergonomic, light, reliable, sturdy.. abundant in games, has GBA backwards compatability, easy to use, sleek looking, long battery life... what's missing? oh, nothing is! the perfect handheld.

5. Gamecube: Small but amazingly powerful. Extremely good library nearly devoid of shovelware. Great controller, great multiplayer, the best Mario Kart, good homebrew (that's what I heard), SMBM, Tales of Symphonia, Metroid Prime... the 2nd best Nintendo home console.






My list in order.
1. N64 - the best console ever, cartriges ftw! and rare brought out some awsum games.
2.PS3 - i like how sweet the jump in graphics from ps2 - ps3 was.
3. PSP - awsum
4. PS2 - luved it when it came out, every1 had one.

and thats about it. its wierd that i went from n64 and since then its just been sony, sony, sony

Respect for compans: SONY > NINTENDO >>>>>>>>>> MICROSOFT


1. Super Nintendo

2. Nintendo 64

3. Gamecube

I am not sure about the newer systems, they haven't been around long enough.