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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony

my computers fanboy alert went off as soon as i clicked on the forum...


com on bro, open ur eyes and dont put down other companys cuz they ALL trying their hardest to meet consumer needs.





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psrock said:
I don't know why you guys are taking offense from this thread. Believe it or not, MS is a much bigger and better company than Sony. Sony is not the same anymore, they make a lot of products, but they're not leading on any of them. In the consumer electronic Industry, Samsung is kicking their ass. In the Cellphone business, They might just give up. MS is ways ahead of Sony in terms of capital and revenues. I mean, I love the PlayStation brand and Sony products, but they have lost a lot of steam to more potent companies.

I really wish there were more people like you on this site.  Obviously you prefer Sony's console.  I never take issue with someone over their preferred console.  I personally don't care what console you like or don't like.  What I hate is people who spread FUD about the "other console" in an attempt to make their console look more appealing, hoping that somehow their opinion will spread and ultimately "kill" said console.  AKA fanboys.

I own an Xbox 360 and a gaming PC.  The 360 is still a fairly new component in my setup.  I used to be exclusively a PC gamer until January of this year.  After we had our son, I decided that constantly upgrading my PC in order to play all the new games was starting to get a little ridiculous.  It's hard to justify with an infant in the house.  So I decided to go back to consoles.  I picked the 360 simply because all my friends and relatives had them and I thought it would be really fun to play online.  And I was right.  It's every bit as fun as it was on the PC, even more so now since people I actually know are playing with me.

All that being said, I think the PS3 is a great machine.  But mistakes have been made.  Costly mistakes.  The pricing, the delayed launch, the delayed titles, and a poor showing in Japan have been every bit as disastrous for the PS3 as the RRoD and bad disc drive was for the 360.  I'm also starting to get a strange feeling that PS3 has some quality control issues as well.  All the forums I visit seem to be getting more and more posts about bad disc drives and hardware failures.  This is purely anecdotal of course, but it just seems to me like the PS3 hardware itself is not without its own issues.  I'm not suggesting there will be a PS3 version of the RRoD, but I'm also not saying it's impossible. 

The PS3 has bluray and integrated wireless going for it.  But could it be that gamers don't really care about that when considering the cost?  It's looking like that's the case.  If people are going to argue Sony vs. Microsoft, they simply CANNOT discount the fact that because of the 360's timing, it is possibly going to come out on top at Christmas in the year that was supposed to be the year of the PS3.  Again, I don't mean anything I'm saying to sound like the PS3 is a bad machine.  I just mean that Sony hasn't handled it well and they're really starting to reap the consequences.


anyone care to disagree now?

kowenicki said:
MontanaHatchet said:
The 360 is a great console. Microsoft, on the other hand, is a shitty company. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about them.


A contradiction in terms surely.

oh.. and I've seen people banned for similar.


now I know why montana dislikes you...



Anyway, I don't disagree, although i am psp360... So I basically amplify whatever you said times 2.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

Just for future reference; it is "as opposed to" rather than "as supposed to" which basically means nothing.
Board-nazi flag is hoisted, I just couldn't resist, having seen several users (native English speakers at that) write the same thing.

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I haven't read all of the posts in this topic, but I certainly disagree ^^

Microsoft to me is the clear cut definition of "evil corporation."

The enter markets they quite frankly don't belong in, toss money around, and hope for the best. They seem to just attempt whatever they think is the next bestest thing in the world, but they just downright suck :( Terrible hardware, terrible rip-off ideas, I mean the zune???? Seriously??? Why???

How can a company who's main product (windows), is so terribly flawed and broken, attempt to build in other areas o.O? They're a leech on the economy and have really contributed very little to the evolution of products.

Microsoft should have built an empire around software, it's what they do, it's what they can market.

How can a company that's notorious for housing BILLIONS of spare dollars, charge you to simply play online with friends? And peer to peer no less! Silver lets you do everything but that, and it's free, they just decide to dick the customer around and charge them for having friends.

How about a 20g harddrive for $100?

How about a Wi-fi DONGLE (the things a real POS), for $80?

Microsoft is a trash company and does so little for anyone, and people just praise them for some god awful reason.

All in all, Microsoft is a company that thrives off of destroying other companies, not bringing the best for you. They're quite happy being mediocre as a company as long as no one else is around :)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

so who wants to play a game of checkers.... these threads are getting old

ChronotriggerJM said:

How can a company that's notorious for housing BILLIONS of spare dollars, charge you to simply play online with friends? And peer to peer no less! Silver lets you do everything but that, and it's free, they just decide to dick the customer around and charge them for having friends.

How about a 20g harddrive for $100?

How about a Wi-fi DONGLE (the things a real POS), for $80?

Microsoft is a trash company and does so little for anyone, and people just praise them for some god awful reason.

All in all, Microsoft is a company that thrives off of destroying other companies, not bringing the best for you. They're quite happy being mediocre as a company as long as no one else is around :)


How about the fact that Microsoft is offering a product for $200 (Arcade) that allows you to play games of the same visual quality as a $400 machine?

Yeah, Microsoft does little for anyone. That's why I'm playing more JRPGs on my X360 than any other system. Same with half of the major genres out there today. Yeah, they are so horrible their games are unversally praised by reviewers and have a better-praised library than the competition - at a lower price point than the rest.

Think about it: If MS wasn't in this game, we'd have Sony's overpriced boondoggle of a system, and Nintendo's shovelware casual-fest. Microsoft has the nice middle ground - a powerful system at a cheap price. Even if you don't like them, they still make a quality system, and are doing far more than Nintendo or Sony to woo new customers, and help the current ones.

And Microsoft is doing more to listen to consumers, as opposed to what Nintendo and Sony are doing, hardware wise.

Microsoft has:

  • When attacked about the warranty/quality of the X360, they began to provide the best warranty in the history of console gaming - 3 years for major flaws. 100% free, and fast turn-around time too.
  • When internet fanboys derided the Core system as a 'tard pack' due to being absolutely featureless, Microsoft threw in $50 of extras (games, memory card, wireless controller), for free. Neither Nintendo nor Sony have included anything new with their systems since launch - except for Sony cutting backwards compatability in a quest to cut costs.
  • Microsoft is the only company to pass along savings to the consumer with timely price drops when hardware is updated. Sony even said lately that they won't pass along savings to consumers when they reach a milestone in manufacturing that cuts costs. Nintendo? They haven't even moved from their price (I can't argue their decision from a business standpoint, but the fact is that Microsoft is still far more interested in providing the best value for their customers).
  • Microsoft is the only company attemping to involve indie developers via basic SDKs such as XNA, to give their system a more robust approach to gaming. Sony has no indie development platform, nor Nintendo. Yes, both have WiiWare/PSN games, but neither incorporate inexpensive SDKs into their design. Microsofts' does.
  • Never reduced console quality from day-1...Unlike Sony. The first Xbox 360 we got was a $300 core system that came with a wired controller, power adapter, and that was about it. Now we have a $200 arcade system with 256mb of internal memory for games, wireless controller(s), 25-30% more efficent in power consumption, free games, and is online compatible from the box (whereas the Core needed a $30 memory card for it). Again, in Sony's case, they hacked off BC and offer a barebones PS3 that is a litteral skeleton of what the 60GB PS3 offered. Outside of the 20gb HDD, the Arcade is superior in features to even the Premium at launch.

And Chrono, deride MS all you want, and Windows, but there's a reason their products can be questionable. Ever notice the fact that Windows Vista is compatible with 100% of Windows 95 components? There's a reason that Microsoft is the leader in legacy code for their systems. It's a major plus, and downfall. If Microsoft didn't include legacy coding, they'd have a far better system than they do now, but you, and everyone else would still be mad because "Vista doesn't work with my program that used to run on ME".

And Chrono, have you ever been on Xbox Live, and compared it's feature set to PSN and WiiConnect? Ummm...You know, there's a pretty big difference in what's offered. I'd tend to think the $3 a month doesn't get you the same amount of quality, and content as the others do. Or maybe your not on the same planet the rest of us are.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I like the Xbox and the Xbox 360 but Microsoft are not "great" in my opinion. They are filth. Scum. I'll wait until they make a console as great as the PS1/2 and dominate the industry like Nintendo and Sony have before I consider calling them "great".


mrstickball said:
ChronotriggerJM said:

How can a company that's notorious for housing BILLIONS of spare dollars, charge you to simply play online with friends? And peer to peer no less! Silver lets you do everything but that, and it's free, they just decide to dick the customer around and charge them for having friends.

How about a 20g harddrive for $100?

How about a Wi-fi DONGLE (the things a real POS), for $80?

Microsoft is a trash company and does so little for anyone, and people just praise them for some god awful reason.

All in all, Microsoft is a company that thrives off of destroying other companies, not bringing the best for you. They're quite happy being mediocre as a company as long as no one else is around :)


How about the fact that Microsoft is offering a product for $200 (Arcade) that allows you to play games of the same visual quality as a $400 machine?

Yeah, Microsoft does little for anyone. That's why I'm playing more JRPGs on my X360 than any other system. Same with half of the major genres out there today. Yeah, they are so horrible their games are unversally praised by reviewers and have a better-praised library than the competition - at a lower price point than the rest.

Think about it: If MS wasn't in this game, we'd have Sony's overpriced boondoggle of a system, and Nintendo's shovelware casual-fest. Microsoft has the nice middle ground - a powerful system at a cheap price. Even if you don't like them, they still make a quality system, and are doing far more than Nintendo or Sony to woo new customers, and help the current ones.

And Microsoft is doing more to listen to consumers, as opposed to what Nintendo and Sony are doing, hardware wise.

Microsoft has:

  • When attacked about the warranty/quality of the X360, they began to provide the best warranty in the history of console gaming - 3 years for major flaws. 100% free, and fast turn-around time too.
  • When internet fanboys derided the Core system as a 'tard pack' due to being absolutely featureless, Microsoft threw in $50 of extras (games, memory card, wireless controller), for free. Neither Nintendo nor Sony have included anything new with their systems since launch - except for Sony cutting backwards compatability in a quest to cut costs.
  • Microsoft is the only company to pass along savings to the consumer with timely price drops when hardware is updated. Sony even said lately that they won't pass along savings to consumers when they reach a milestone in manufacturing that cuts costs. Nintendo? They haven't even moved from their price (I can't argue their decision from a business standpoint, but the fact is that Microsoft is still far more interested in providing the best value for their customers).
  • Microsoft is the only company attemping to involve indie developers via basic SDKs such as XNA, to give their system a more robust approach to gaming. Sony has no indie development platform, nor Nintendo. Yes, both have WiiWare/PSN games, but neither incorporate inexpensive SDKs into their design. Microsofts' does.
  • Never reduced console quality from day-1...Unlike Sony. The first Xbox 360 we got was a $300 core system that came with a wired controller, power adapter, and that was about it. Now we have a $200 arcade system with 256mb of internal memory for games, wireless controller(s), 25-30% more efficent in power consumption, free games, and is online compatible from the box (whereas the Core needed a $30 memory card for it). Again, in Sony's case, they hacked off BC and offer a barebones PS3 that is a litteral skeleton of what the 60GB PS3 offered. Outside of the 20gb HDD, the Arcade is superior in features to even the Premium at launch.

And Chrono, deride MS all you want, and Windows, but there's a reason their products can be questionable. Ever notice the fact that Windows Vista is compatible with 100% of Windows 95 components? There's a reason that Microsoft is the leader in legacy code for their systems. It's a major plus, and downfall. If Microsoft didn't include legacy coding, they'd have a far better system than they do now, but you, and everyone else would still be mad because "Vista doesn't work with my program that used to run on ME".

And Chrono, have you ever been on Xbox Live, and compared it's feature set to PSN and WiiConnect? Ummm...You know, there's a pretty big difference in what's offered. I'd tend to think the $3 a month doesn't get you the same amount of quality, and content as the others do. Or maybe your not on the same planet the rest of us are.

Ok, I had all these awesome answers for you >_> but I can't really give them because you put too many points to respond to, and I can't have my window open for that long (my boss does like... regular computer sweeps... kinda creepy)

ANYWAYS. I'll simplify :x

Microsoft doesn't really invent anything, they just seem to off the most basic, standard unit, and they want you to pay for gold >_> and all the stuff that should have been there in the first place ;/

Sony's got big aspirations and dreams for they're console, they just put it all in one device, and it's too expensive. Definitely the most valuable if you appreciate all the features. But most people won't, so it was a stupid move on they're part. But that's progress :/

XNA is cool, I don't know much about it, but I think it's a good move, personally I prefer the castle crashers method (make it big on the internet, then get paid for it :P ) but if MS want's to stick up for the little guy, that's cool. I just hope they (microsoft) dont' get a penny for anything sold on it, otherwise it was another move that just benefits themselves ;/ Not quite selfless.

@#%^@#@#$ maybe more later >_> I'll sneak this in while I can @_@



From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.