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I haven't read all of the posts in this topic, but I certainly disagree ^^

Microsoft to me is the clear cut definition of "evil corporation."

The enter markets they quite frankly don't belong in, toss money around, and hope for the best. They seem to just attempt whatever they think is the next bestest thing in the world, but they just downright suck :( Terrible hardware, terrible rip-off ideas, I mean the zune???? Seriously??? Why???

How can a company who's main product (windows), is so terribly flawed and broken, attempt to build in other areas o.O? They're a leech on the economy and have really contributed very little to the evolution of products.

Microsoft should have built an empire around software, it's what they do, it's what they can market.

How can a company that's notorious for housing BILLIONS of spare dollars, charge you to simply play online with friends? And peer to peer no less! Silver lets you do everything but that, and it's free, they just decide to dick the customer around and charge them for having friends.

How about a 20g harddrive for $100?

How about a Wi-fi DONGLE (the things a real POS), for $80?

Microsoft is a trash company and does so little for anyone, and people just praise them for some god awful reason.

All in all, Microsoft is a company that thrives off of destroying other companies, not bringing the best for you. They're quite happy being mediocre as a company as long as no one else is around :)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.