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psrock said:
I don't know why you guys are taking offense from this thread. Believe it or not, MS is a much bigger and better company than Sony. Sony is not the same anymore, they make a lot of products, but they're not leading on any of them. In the consumer electronic Industry, Samsung is kicking their ass. In the Cellphone business, They might just give up. MS is ways ahead of Sony in terms of capital and revenues. I mean, I love the PlayStation brand and Sony products, but they have lost a lot of steam to more potent companies.

I really wish there were more people like you on this site.  Obviously you prefer Sony's console.  I never take issue with someone over their preferred console.  I personally don't care what console you like or don't like.  What I hate is people who spread FUD about the "other console" in an attempt to make their console look more appealing, hoping that somehow their opinion will spread and ultimately "kill" said console.  AKA fanboys.

I own an Xbox 360 and a gaming PC.  The 360 is still a fairly new component in my setup.  I used to be exclusively a PC gamer until January of this year.  After we had our son, I decided that constantly upgrading my PC in order to play all the new games was starting to get a little ridiculous.  It's hard to justify with an infant in the house.  So I decided to go back to consoles.  I picked the 360 simply because all my friends and relatives had them and I thought it would be really fun to play online.  And I was right.  It's every bit as fun as it was on the PC, even more so now since people I actually know are playing with me.

All that being said, I think the PS3 is a great machine.  But mistakes have been made.  Costly mistakes.  The pricing, the delayed launch, the delayed titles, and a poor showing in Japan have been every bit as disastrous for the PS3 as the RRoD and bad disc drive was for the 360.  I'm also starting to get a strange feeling that PS3 has some quality control issues as well.  All the forums I visit seem to be getting more and more posts about bad disc drives and hardware failures.  This is purely anecdotal of course, but it just seems to me like the PS3 hardware itself is not without its own issues.  I'm not suggesting there will be a PS3 version of the RRoD, but I'm also not saying it's impossible. 

The PS3 has bluray and integrated wireless going for it.  But could it be that gamers don't really care about that when considering the cost?  It's looking like that's the case.  If people are going to argue Sony vs. Microsoft, they simply CANNOT discount the fact that because of the 360's timing, it is possibly going to come out on top at Christmas in the year that was supposed to be the year of the PS3.  Again, I don't mean anything I'm saying to sound like the PS3 is a bad machine.  I just mean that Sony hasn't handled it well and they're really starting to reap the consequences.